среда, 11 мая 2016 г.

English Traditions With Harry Potter. Позакласний захід. Ковальова О.В.


Виховна мета заходу:                розширити знання учнів про традиції та свята англійського  народу; розвивати артистичні здібності учнів; виховувати естетичні смаки; розвивати вміння використовувати знання іноземної мови в різних життєвих ситуаціях
Обладнання:     різдвяний стіл з прикрашеною ялинкою; квітуче дерево для Моріс танцю ;  слайди Біг Бена, Тауера,  Букінгемського Палацу; схематичні карти країн Великобританії; костюми; плакат з назвою заходу
/On the background  of the song “Учат в школе” the three pupils appear on the stage. At that time another happy pupil runs onto the stage. He greets his friends/
P1: Hello friends! Do you know  that this year our school celebrates its hundredth anniversary and a group of our best pupils of school is awarded the trip to the United Kingdom . I am so happy because I am in this group too.

P2: Oh, it’s great! It’s a dream of my life. I wish I were you. But as far as I know if you go to a foreign country  you should know something about this country, about its people, their customs and traditions.

P1: I’d love to., but I am very short of time. I have 6 lessons every day and so much homework. I have no time for reading books. What shall I do? Who can help me?

P3: I want to help you, but I think it is impossible without magic.

P4: Oh, I have an idea. Let’s call Harry Potter. He is a real master of magic.

P3: Do you know how to call him?

P4: Of course,  I do. I read a book about him and saw the film too. He usually appeared after the words;
The merry bells are ringing
The boys and girls are singing.
Jump down,  jump down
All fall down.
Let’s ask our friends to call him here.
P2: Friends, help us please! Let’s call him together. One, two.
The merry bells are ringing
The boys and girls are singing
Jump down, jump down
All fall down /2 times/

H.P.: Hi! I am here. What’s the matter? What can I do for you?

P1: We want to ask you to show us your country in short. The group of pupils from our school is going to Great Britain in two days and we would like to know something about your customs and traditions, your interesting holidays and games. Is it possible?

H.P: It’s very simple. I’ll help you with great pleasure. Look and listen to me! Great Britain is an old country, that’s why it has a lot of traditions. Let’s go to London first. Touch me, please. Vingardio laviesso.
 / He rises his stick and fly to London/

P3: Wow, I know this place. It’s famous Big Ben. I know the poem about it.
Tick-tock, tick-tock
This is Big Ben
Big Ben is a clock.
Day and night
With all its might
Big Ben, the clock
Says: Tick-tock.
H.P.: Right you are. Big Ben is a symbol of London. Our country lives according to this clock.

P2: Harry, do you really have a queen in your country?

H.P.; Of course, we have. It’s our old tradition and we are proud of it
Look! This is our queen. Her name is Elizabeth II. She lives in Buckingham Palace.  It is very beautiful. Let’s go there  and watch the ceremony of Changing of the Guard. All tourists come  here to see it with their own eyes. Look over there!
/ slide/

P2; Wow!  It’s really interesting and beautiful. Thank you.

H.P.: English people are loyal to their monarch and  have   always  .tried to protect their monarchy. The holiday Guy Fawkes Night is a good example of it.

P4: I heard about this holiday, but I don’t know how it is connected with the royal family.

H.P: It happened in 1605. Guy Fawkes was the man who wanted to kill the king.
But the plan was discovered,. Guy Fawkes was arrested and hanged. Since that time  on the 5th of November Englishmen burn down a dummy of guy Fawkes on a bonfire. Look at these  pictures 
 / slide/
P4; Now it is clear.  Thank you.

H.P.: Then let’s continue our travelling. Touch me please “Vingardio laviesso!”
This is the Tower of London.  In different time it was a fortress, a prison and now it is a museum.
/ slide/
P1.  Is it the place where 12 ravens live?

HP:  Yes, it is. There is a legend about these ravens. They symbolize the life and wealth of London. Special keepers look after them. Look at them  They are so graceful!. /slide/

P1: Thanks a lot. They are splendid.

P3: Harry , and what holiday is the most interesting for your children?

HP: I think our children  adore Hallow’en. Let’s ask them.
/A group of children dressed in costumes of evil spirits with a pumpkin appears on the stage and sing a song/
Witches, witches, skeletons and bats
Scary ghosts and big black cats
Woo-woo… What a fright!
It is  scary on Hallow’en night!
Trick-or treat, trick-or treat
I want something good to eat
Trick-or treat, trick-or treat
Give me something  nice and sweet
Give me candy and apple too
And I won’t play trick on you!
P3: Harry, what is it in their hands?

H.P: ask them, if you want to know.

P3:  Guys, what is it in your hands?

G1: It’s a pumpkin, a symbol of Hallow’en.

P2: Guys,  why do you like this holiday?

G2. We like to play tricks on people and that’s why we dress these costumes and scare people

G3: On this day we have a chance to get sweets and cookies. I adore this holiday. It’s very funny!

P3:  Thanks a lot. Harry, and what about Christmas?

H/P: Christmas is the most favourite  holiday of all.

P1. I like this holiday too. It is bright and funny. Let’s have a look into one of the English houses.

HP: With great pleasure. Touch me, please. “Vingardio laviesso”

/ the song Jingle Bells” is heard The group of children sing a song.
Children n the family lay the festive table and sing this song too/
P2: Oh, it is so beautiful and the Christmas tree is so bright . Let’s listen to their talk.
Boy: have you prepared your sock for the presents?
Girl: Sure. And what about you?
Boy: Of course, I have. I hope  Santa Claus will bring something interesting and tasty.
Father: It’s high time to sit down at our festive table. Everything is ready.
Boy: Mum, you are our fairy. Turkey is so tasty! Thank you.
Girl: But I like Christmas pudding best. It is so delicious Thank you Mum. We love you very much Merry Christmas, Mum and Dad!
/ Children sing a song “ We wish you a Merry Christmas”/
Mother and Dad: Merry Christmas , our dear. It’s time to go to bed, have a nice dream.
P2 : In our country Christmas is celebrated too but I like New Year Day best. Harry, do the English people celebrate New Year day?
HP: Of course they do. But the Scots like it even more than Christmas. They call it Hogmany. And children usually  make resolutions on this day.
P4; Let’s make our resolutions too. As for me, I want to learn a lot of new things.
P3: I want to meet a lot of new friends.
P1: I want to read a lot of interesting books!
P2:I want the people in the world to be  happy and wise!.
P4: Harry, and what about May Day?  Do you have this holiday too?
HP:  Sure. May Day is the day of Joy, spring and happiness. If you want to see this  holiday let’s fly to Ireland. Touch me please. “Vingardio  Laviesso!’
/ A group of children sing a song “The Green Grass grew all around” and a group of girls dance around a spring tree /
P1.: Thank you ,Harry. It was wonderful. You are a real magic man. In short period of time we  were in different parts of the country. We were in England, Scotland, Ireland. And what about Wales?

HP;  It is summer now. Let’s go to  the International Festival of  Music and Poetry in Wales.  Touch me , please!. Here we are . Listen!

/A Druid dressed in white robe appears on the stage and announces the beginning of the festival /
Druid: Ladies and gentlemen, let me open our annual International Festival of Music and Poetry. We are glad to greet all our participants of the Festival and wish them good luck. So, the first participant in poetry nomination is Edith Segal with the poem “School” Greet her, please.
/ a poem “School”/
Druid:  In music nomination I am glad to announce a group of pupils from London with their funny song “Today is Monday” You are welcome.
/ a song /
Druid:  Greet a young poet from the USA Ann Collins. Her poem is “Family Hobbies”
/ a poem/
Druid: One more piece of poetry. This time a little poet from Ukraine  Dasha Serba shares her thoughts about  the Earth  in the poem  “The Earth is Full of Wonders”
/a poem/
Druid:A Happy Song” in performing of all participants of our festival
/A song/
P1: Dear Harry, thank you very much for your magic  travelling.  Now we know a lot about your country and its traditions.
P2.: We are happy to learn that people in Great Britain do not differ from our people. But we are greatly surprised to know that you keep your traditions so carefully. It’s great. Thank you
HP: I am glad to have such good friends in Ukraine
/All participants of the party sing a song “The more we get together “ /
The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together the happier we ‘ll be.
For your friend is my friend and my friend is your friend
The more we get together the happier we’ll be,
                             The end.