воскресенье, 11 декабря 2016 г.

Позакласний захід:"THE WORLD OF POETRY"

Тема: У світі поезії

Ввести  та активізувати  лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури
Вдосконалити навички читання,аудіювання,говоріння
Розвивати пам’ять,увагу,логічне мислення,фонематичний слух
Виховна :
Мотивувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
Виховувати повагу до культури, літератури,традицій та звичаїв Великої  Британії
Виховувати творчі  та  акторські  здібності учнів
Розширити лексичний запас учнів
Надати інформацію про  літературу та культуру країни
Розширити кругозір учнів та ознайомити  із поетами та літературними героями  країни, прислів’ями та піснями

T1. Dear guests, teachers and students! Welcome to our party “In the World of Poetry!”
T2. I am sure you will be interested in it because poetry can be compared with music, people express their feelings, emotions due to it.
S1. Poem “What is Poetry?”
       What is poetry? Who knows?
       Not a rose,but the scene of rose.
       Not the sky,but the light of the sky.
       Not the fly, but the steam of the  fly.
       Not the sea, but the sound of the sea.
       Not myself , but what makes me.
        See, hear and   feel something that prose  cannot.
         And what poetry is, who  knows?
    T1. Children, do you like poems? I think all of us like them. We couldn’t imagine our life without poetry. But what is poetry? One of our students will try to answer this question.
S2.Poetry is a piece of literature written by a poet in verse.  There are many different types of poetry:  verses, poems, sonnets and ballads, lyrics and rhymes.
T2. Let’s speak about poetry for kids. A nursery rhyme is a poem for young children in Britain and many other countries. The traditional and well- known rhymes are from the book “Mother Goose Rhymes”. Many poems like “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and “Humpty Dumpty” are considered to be the part of British culture.
S3. Poem “Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, 
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; 
All the king's horses and all the king's men 
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty learned from the fall
Humpty Dumpty hated the wall
All the king’s men  and all the children
Were not allowed  to clime  the wall

Ss. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”
, Twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!
When the blazing sun Twinkle is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,                    
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
T1. It is fun to read “Mother Goose Rhymes”. Their funny characters remain with us long beyond childhood. Today we have a special guest. Do you remember her?
S4. Yes, I know this Pussy Cat. She is from the book “Mother Goose Rhymes”.
S5. Oh, Pussy! Why are you with a bag?
Cat.  I have just  returned  from my  trip.
Ps   Pussy Cat ,where have you been?
Cat. I have been to London to look at the Queen
 Ps  Pussy cat, Pussy cat,what did you do there?
Cat.  I caught a little mouse under her chair.

Ss. Scene(сценка).
T2. Speaking about kids’ poetry we mustn’t forget about a traditional English nursery rhyme “London Bridge”, which was published in1744. It is found in different versions all over the world. It  is based on one of the most famous landmarks in London- London Bridge, which lays on the river Thames.
Ss. Song “London Bridge”
T1. Look around! The world is so beautiful.  The beauty of the nature has been one of the main subjects of poetry in every age and every country. There are a lot of wonderful poems about nature, seasons and weather.
S6. Poem “Seasons of the Days”
Spring is a dawn
Refreshing and early,
Summer is the moon,
Hot and humid
Fall is the dark
Bronze and cooling
Winter is the night
Cold and tiring

S7. . Poem “The Wood of Flowers”
I went to the wood of flowers,
(No one was with me)
I was there alone for hours
I was happy as could be
In the wood of flowers.
There was grass on the ground,
There were buds on the tree,
And the wind had a sound
Of  such gaiety,
That I was as happy
As happy could be,
In the wood of flowers.
S8 Poem “Autumn.”      
Autumn is the season
When apples are sweet,
It is the season
When school-friends meet;
When noisy and gay,
And browned in the sun
With their books and bags
To school they run.

S9 Poem “Winter Pleasure”
What a wealth of jolly things,
Good old winter always brings!
Ice to skate on, hills to coast–
Don’t know which we like the most.
Games to play, corne to pop
Midnight seems too soon to stop!
Books to read aloud at night,
Songs to sing, and plays to write

S10. Poem “Yours and Mine”
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky
The silver moon that sailing by
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night
The song of birds, wind whispering
Such lovely things to bear and see
Belong to you, belong to me.

Ss. Dance.
T2. There are a lot of proverbs about literature. Let’s review some of them. I will tell you the beginnings and you should say the endings.
·        Choose an author- as you choose a friend.
·        We are-what we read.
·        Tell me what you read –I will tell you what you are.
·        Don’t judge a book -by its cover.
·        There is not friend-so faithful as a good book.
T1. I would like to ask you who your favourite poet is. –Ss’ answers.
T1.Our Ukrainian poets loved their Motherland and wrote a lot of poems about it.
Some pupils have prepared poems written by Ukrainian poets in Ukrainian and English.
Ss12/13.  Вірш « Садок вишневий коло хати», Т. Шевченко.
Besides the hut the cherries are in bloom,
                      And May bugs over cherries    dance…
                     The peasants from the fields return..This late..
                     The young maids as they go  sing song,, At home
                    The tables have been laid ,and  supper  waits.
Ss14/15. Вірш «Любіть Україну!», В. Сосюра.
                                       Love Ukraine
   Love Ukraine ,love it like the sun;
  Like the wind, and grass and water ..
 Love Ukraine in time of joy
 Love it  in the hour of misfortune.

 Love  Ukraine in your dream
And when you are awake,
Love your cherry-like Ukraine
Its beauty which s never fade
 And Its language like that of the nightingale.

T2. Not only Ukrainian poets described their love to Motherland. A lot of British poets wrote poems about their Motherland and among them was R. Burns
S16. Poem  “My Heart in the Highland 
                                             by  Robert Burns
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing  the deer
A-chasing the wild  deer and following the roe;
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of velour , the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands forever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths   and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;  
Farewell to the torrents  and loud pouring  floods .

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe;
My hearts in the Highlands wherever I go.

T1.Another great British poet was W. Shakespeare. One of his main themes was love. W. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. They are some of the most famous love poems ever written.
T1. Listen to sonnet 18 performed by an eight-year –old child Alexis Rosinskyi.
T2. “All ages are to love submissive.” Enjoy the episode from W. Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” performed by ten-year-old pupils.
ROMEO ​Oh! Look! There is Juliet! She is like the sun. ​Oh she is my love! I wish she knew 
                how I felt. ​Her eyes are like stars. ​Should I speak to her? ​
. ​ ​JULIET ​Oh dear. ​
 ​ROMEO ​She speaks: ​O, speak again, bright angel! ​
 ​JULIET ​O Romeo, Romeo! Why do you have to be a Montague? ​Leave your family and  
                     change your name.
 ​ ​ROMEO ​Shall I listen more or shall I speak? ​
JULIET ​ It’s only your name that is my enemy ​If your name was Smith or Jones ​you would  
              still be that same wonderful, handsome Romeo ​So please, change your name and   
                be mine forever. ​
ROMEO ​I believe what you say is true, ​Just let me be your love ​And Iwill change my name
JULIET ​Who is there? Who is listening to me?!  Romeo! How did you get in here?
                If any of my family find you they will kill you!
 ​ ​ROMEO ​ ​Nothing could keep me away from you! ​Besides, it is so dark. ​No-one will find    me here. ​Tell me, did you mean what I heard you say?Do you love me?
 ​JULIET ​I am so embarrassed that you heard what I said! ​
​ROMEO  ​Juliet, I swear I love you and if you love me too then… ​
 ​JULIET ​No do not say anymore! ​This is all too sudden!  ​I must go. ​. ​Good night, good night! ​ ROMEO ​Don’t go! Tell me you love me too.
​JULIET ​I already have! ​ ​ ​Someone is coming! Good night my love! ​ ​
   ROMEO Good night! Sweet  dreams!
T2. Modern poems are also very popular among children. There are so many wonderful modern rhymes to choose from. Modern poems for children can be used both for educational purposes and entertainment. Let’s listen to some of them.
S17.Poem “Seven Wonders of the World”
 I wonder why the sun is hot
I wonder why it rains a lot
I wonder why the sky is blue
I wonder why a cow goes moo
I wonder why the clouds skip by
I wonder why a bird can fly
I wonder will the lesson end
Before I'm driven round the bend
S18. Poem “Important Rules”
Here are some rules for you and me,
See how important they can be.
Always be honest, be kind and fair,
Always be good and willing to share.
These are rules we all should know,
We follow these rules wherever we go.

S19. Poem “A Child’s Wish”
I want to live and not to die!
I want to laugh and not to cry!
I want to feel the summer sun,
I want to sing, when life is fun.
I want to fly into the blue,
I want to swim as fishes do.
I want to stretch out friendly hands
To all the young of other lands
T1. Our poetic party has come to an end. We heard a lot of nice pieces of poetry- traditional and modern ones. I hope you opened your hearts to British culture. We want to finish our party with the song “What a Wonderful World” (Anne Graceman).                              Video /Song

I see trees of green, red roses, too

I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.

The colour of the rainbow,
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces,
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands,
Saying "How do you do?"
They're really sayin': "I love you".

I hear babies cry,
I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more,
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world,
Yes, I think to myself,
What a wonderful world

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