воскресенье, 30 августа 2015 г.

Конспект уроку з теми "Feelings and Emotions"

Конспект уроку з теми «Feelings and Emotions»
                               для 6 класу
                                                    Вчитель : Колісніченко Г.О.
   Активізувати та розширити лексичний запас учнів по темі уроку ;
  Розширювати знання по темі за допомогою комунікативних вправ ;
 Розвивати навички усного мовлення;
 Розвивати навички читання;
 Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів.
 Поглиблення знань учнів з теми;
Розширення кругозору учнів.
 Сприяти бажанню вивчати англійську мову;
 Виховувати в учнів позитивне ставлення до життя.
Обладнання: підручник, магнітафон  , мультимедійна презентація,
                             роздатковий матеріал.

                           Хід уроку
I.                  Introduction.

    1.   Greeting.  Setting up the topic.
T: Good morning, dear pupils! How are you? How do you feel today?
P: .I’m fine.
P. I’m pretty good. Etc.
T. I’m glad that all of you are fine and ready to work. So, let’s start.
   2. Оголошення теми уроку.
 T. If you look at the screen ,you can easily understand the theme of our lesson.
     What do you see there?
 P. I can see funny faces .
 T    .What do they  show?
 P:  They show people’s feelings and emotions.
T: You’re right. At our lesson we’ll speak about feelings that people can have in  
      different situations and try to find out the recipe for happiness.
2. Warming up.
First of all we must prepare tongues for our work. Today we’ll practice
sound [ Ѳ  ]We’ll train it in a tongue-twister.
        Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. 
T: Make up the interrogative and negative forms of the tongue-twister.
T: People can have different emotions and feelings. Read the tongue-twister expressing happiness, sadness or aggressiveness. Pretend that you are happy, sad or angry. You’ll have a nice opportunity to show your artistic skills.
Pupils do the task.
T: Thank you, you are good actors.
II .The main part of the lesson.
T. So, let’s  pass over to our vocabulary.
Look at the screen.How do people feel in the pictures?
P: They feel happy, angry, miserable, …
 T. Well done. You are good at reading faces.
     People have different emotions, how can we divide them?
P.  Positive and negative.
T. That’s right .Look at the blackboard. You can see different words  describing   
      human emotions. Let’s divide them into positive and negative.
Pupils do the task.
T. Match  the words on the  left with their opposites on the right.
 P. Sad-happy, excited –bored , etc.
T. We have different emotions as different things happen to us.
How do you feel when your team wins?
How do you feel when you watch a film about ghosts?
How do you feel when you finish doing your homework?
How do you feel when you have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
 T.We have different  feelings in  different situations.
How do people feel in some strange situations? Let’s find it up?
 Pre-viewing  activities.
   I have prepared  a short video but before we start watching it I want you to look at this man,
T.  What is he?
P. He is a  journalist.
T. Why do you think so?
P. He has a microphone.
T. Where is he?
P. He is in the street.
T. What is he doing there ?
P.He is going to take an interview.
While - viewing  activities.
T. So, listen to the interview with different  people in the street .
    a) How did they feel in some strange situations?
    b)  Match the  people to the statements.
Post -Viewing  activities.
T. What strange things happened to the people?
    How would you feel in some strange situations?
T .Look at this girl. How does  she feel? What makes her feel happy?
T. At our previous lesson  I asked you to think about the question:
                                  What  makes  you  feel happy?.
   So, I want to hear your answers.
 Ss’ reports.

T . Happiness  is not something readymade .It comes  from your own actions.
I have prepared several tips  which  help you to be happier.
Before we start reading , I want to attract your attention to some phrases  from the text.
Pre-Reading Task                         
Look at the pictures (A-D  )    .Which shows:
a sense of  achievement …   ;    a stressed state  of  mind…
   a panic attack … ;              low  self-esteem …..;            ?
While –Reading  Task
Read  the text and label the paragraphs with correct headings.

A     Have a healthy lifestyle

 B    Use humor and enjoy yourself

C     Manage your stress levels

D      Build up your self-esteem

E      Talk and share


How to feel happier

Try five tips, designed to help you be happier, more in control and able to cope better with life's ups and downs.



Being in a stressed state of mind a lot of the time can make you  feel negative .
Managing your stress can be a long  process. Look at your lifestyle. If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it.
If you have a panic attack, breathing exercises can help.



A good sense of humour is a great inner strength. Try to see the funny side of situations and you'll be able to  cope better.
Doing something you're good at, such as cooking or dancing, is a good way to enjoy yourself and have a sense of achievement. "If you're feeling low, tell yourself how good you are at the activity. It really gives you a lift,

Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. Lots of things can lower our self-esteem, If your self-esteem is low, it's important to learn how to improve it. Tell yourself something positive , such as: "You're a bright person.”

If you want to feel happy, you should go in for sports or do morning exercises. . It can help you sleep better, have more energy and keep your heart healthy. Choose an exercise that you enjoy. If it helps, do it with a friend, Sport helps you to keep your figure fit. You should also eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.


Communication is important, whether it's with a friend or family members Talking about your feelings doesn't have to be formal or too serious. You can discuss small things that annoy you or make you sad. You might end up laughing about a previous difficult experience. It helps you to strengthen your relationships and connect with people.

          Post-Reading  Task
Mark the sentences as T( true) or F(false).Then, correct the false statements.
1. Being in a stressed state of mind a lot of the time can make you   feel  positive.
2. A good sense of humour is a great inner strength.
3. If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to increase it.

4. If you want to feel happy, you should go in for sports or do morning exercises.
5. .We  shouldn’t  eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
6. Communication helps you  to strengthen your relationships and connect with people.

   III Conclusion
Summing up
T. So, let’s sum up our talk and make up the recipe  for happiness.


·        Respect yourself
·        Care for your body
·        Talk about your problems
·        Use humour and enjoy yourself
·        Manage your stress levels
·        Be friendly to people

T. If you feel positive , then you will attract  other positive people.
     If you feel really negative, feel sad, angry and want to hurt people, then you will    find that you attract other people who are sad and angry. That is why  be  positive  and always smile.
Your homework.

T: You have worked well. You were active and artistic. Thank you for your participation.

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