понедельник, 24 августа 2015 г.

Конспект уроку з теми "Healthy Lifestyle" для 10-го класу

Вчитель: Нагорна Н. А.

Цілі: навчальні:активізувати вживання вивченої лексики в
                                    розмовних та граматичних структурах;
-         ввести нову лексику та навчати застосовувати її ;
-         розвивати навички говоріння;
-         вдосконалювати навички читання та роботи над текстом;
-         покращувати навички аудіювання;
-         розширювати знання по темі за допомогою комунікативних вправ в режимі Т-Р, Р1-Р2;
-         готувати учнів до письмового завдання за допомогою підготовчих вправ;
-         готувати учнів до ЗНО за допомогою тестових завдань.
розвиваючі:розвивати навички роботи в парах;
-         розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву
реакцію учнів.
         виховні:       -   виховувати культуру спілкування;
-         виховувати взаємоповагу та взаємодопомогу;
-         виховувати любов до іноземної мови та активне ставлення до її вивчення.
Обладнання: підручник, магнітофон, запис діалогу,
                             ілюстративний та роздатковий матеріал.

Хід уроку

I. Greetings. Organizing the class.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you! I am also happy that we have guests today. Let us greet them. Take your seats, please.

II. Introducing the topic and the aims of the lesson.

         Teacher: Today we continue speaking about different ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. At our lesson we are going to speak about what we should do in order to be healthy, to learn and practice using some new words on the topic, to do some tests on reading and listening, and to do a lot of exercises on developing your writing skills. You will learn how to write a “for and against essay”.

III. Speaking.
1. Conversational Warming-up.

         Teacher: You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn’t smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy food and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
         The trick to healthy living is making small changes: taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water … These are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes.
         Every one of you looks wonderful. How do you keep fit?
         Students’ possible answers: I go jogging in the morning.
I usually walk to and from school.
I try to eat healthy food.
I never smoke or drink alcohol.
I practice sports.
I do morning exercises.
I have been playing football / volleyball for … years.
I go to the gym regularly etc.

         Teacher: What advice can you give to someone who is not fit?
         Students’ possible answers: You should play sports.
You should sleep eight hours a night.
You should eat fruit and vegetables.
You should drink much water.
You should exercise regularly.
You should avoid eating junk food.
You should air your room and classroom regularly.
You should have a rest / relax.
You shouldn’t eat much in order not to gain weight.
You should be active.

2. Brainstorming.

        Teacher: Do you agree to the statement that health is more than just being fit? What other things are important to health?
          Students: - fresh air
                           - a healthy diet 
                           - a good night's sleep
                           - rest / relaxation
                           - sports / keeping fit
        Teacher: You are right. I can just add that such things as optimism and positive thinking, liking the way you look, liking your life, other people liking or loving us are also very important for our well-being and health.

3. Survey. Work in pairs.

         Teacher: Now, you a going to do a survey. First of all, let’s choose the partners. Come here and take a slip of paper. Each of them has one half of a proverb about health. Find your partners by matching the proverbs.

         Everyone is                   ………       his own doctor.

         If the doctor cures,                           but if he kills,
         the sun sees it;     ………       the earth hides it.

         He who has no health  ……   has nothing.

         Health is not valued  …….     till sickness comes.

         Health is              ……….      great riches.

         Good thoughts are ………     half of health.

         Teacher: So, you have your partners now. Here are the surveys. Partner A asks the questions and partner B answers them. Partner A, you should scores the answers for each question. You score 1 for rarely or never, 2 for sometimes or often and 3 for always or usually. Partner B, remember that you don’t need to answer a question if you don’t want to. Start working, please. If you need my help, raise your hand and I’ll come up to you.

Class survey: A healthy life

1   2   3        1. Do you enjoy your school?
1   2   3        2. Do you think you have got good friends?
1   2   3        3. Are you relaxed?
1   2   3        4. Are you happy?
1   2   3        5. Is you life interesting?
1   2   3        6. Do you like the way you look?
1   2   3        7. Do you think people like you?
1   2   3        8. Do you eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day?
1   2   3        9. Do you drink two litres of water a day?
1   2   3        10. Do you sleep between six and nine hours a night?
1   2   3        11. Do you exercise for half an hour three times a week?
1   2   3        12. Do you think you are a good person?

         Teacher: I see that you are done. Now, count the total score. The maximum score for this survey is 36 points. Does anyone have it? Can you make a short report on your partner’s answers.

         Students’ reports. E.g. Maria’s total score is … . She is always happy. She also enjoys her school and has got good friends. She thinks her life is interesting.
Maria sometimes eats five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and likes the way she looks.
But unfortunately she never sleeps nine hours a night and seldom drinks two litres of water a day.

Teacher: There are some really high scores in the group, but unfortunately, we have low scores, too.

4. Working out a Declaration

         Teacher: One of the biggest problems in our country, just like in most countries of the world, is lack of activity. We know it’s good for us but often avoid it. But movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you’ll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. What advice can you give to the people who want to move more and to be healthier?
         Let’s work out a healthy lifestyle declaration.

Students’ possible answers:
1.     Be active! Turn off the TV or your laptop at least once a week and do something a little more physical with your family or friends. Play games, take a walk … Almost anything will be more active than sitting on the coach.
2.     Look for small ways to walk more. Take a walk around the block with your friend, take the dog for an extra outing each day or go to school on foot.
3.     Do some chores. Shovelling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor … these kinds of activities may not be energetic exercises, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order.
4.     Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help to be fit, it can also improve your health and quality of life. Eat more fruit and vegetables. It’s also good to eat low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
5.     Don’t smoke or drink alcohol. They are really bad for your health and daily performance.
6.     Think positively and avoid stresses. It’s a well-known fact that optimistic people live longer and happier lives.
7.     Find time for relaxation and a good night’s sleep. Good rest really matters. You’ll feel and look much better.

Teacher: Having summed up your opinions, we have worked out the Healthy lifestyle declaration. Here it is!
1.     Turn off the TV or your laptop!
2.     Walk more!
3.     Do some chores!
4.     Eat a healthy diet!
5.     Don’t smoke or drink alcohol!
6.     Think positively and avoid stresses!
7.     Relax and have a good night’s sleep!
Follow it and everything will be OK in you life!

IV. Vocabulary. Use of English
1. Work at the new words

         Teacher: But, unfortunately, our life is full of contrasts and not everything depends on us. Sometimes we have to work overtime or we feel tired and exhausted after a long day at school or we don’t have enough time to relax. Have a look at the word-combinations on the blackboard and repeat them after me.
-         to feel tired
-         to work long hours
-         to wake up early
-         to suffer from headaches
-         to have enough time to relax
-         to exercise regularly
-         to work hard
-         to eat fruit and vegetables every day
-         to be always on the go
-         to enjoy spending time with the family
-         to lose appetite
-         to come back home very late

Teacher: Let us now find the definitions to these phrases. There are some pictures on my desk which illustrate the meaning of them. Take the pictures and match them to the phrases.

2. Filling in the gaps in the text

         Teacher: On your desks you have some handouts. Find Handout 1. There is the text “Health is Better Than Wealth” in it. Some parts of the text are missing. Your task is to fill in the gaps with the word-combinations we have just reviewed.

Health is Better Than Wealth

         Hi! My name is Jeff Collins and I work for a big company. My working day starts at 8.00 am so I have to ……………………….. at about 6.30. Though I have my working day from 8.00am to 5 pm, I sometimes ………………………………… and stay in the office till 7 or 8 pm. As you understand quite well, I often ………………………….. after a long working day when I …………………………………………….. and see my family. Sometimes I even take an aspirin as I ……………………………….. You see, I …………………. But I am glad that I am always ……………………… and lead an active life.
         I am lucky that at weekends I have …………………………………….. and can enjoy …………………………………….. . I never ……………………………… as I try to eat a healthy diet which includes ………………………………………….. every day. I also do my best to find time and …………………………………. because I am fond of sports very much.
         What is still better for me is that every summer I can take my family to Desert Hot Springs in California. It’s my favourite holiday destination. Visit it and you’ll have an unforgettable rest!

         Teacher: Let’s check if your answers are correct. Take one more look at the blackboard. I am taking away the word combinations. Only the pictures are left. Let’s see how well you remember the phrases.

3. Multiple Choice Cloze

         Teacher: John Collins recommends us to visit Desert Hot Springs. He says it’s a wonderful place. Let’s read some more information about it and, who knows, maybe in future you will choose this city as your own holiday destination. While reading, decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning.

Desert Hot Springs
         Desert Hot Springs is a city near Palm Springs in California. It is 0) situated  on a part of the famous San Andreas Fault line and is the 1) _________ of the natural hot springs 2) _________ give the city its name and its water. The water is famous for its therapeutic 3) _________ and some people have gone so 4) _____ as to call it ‘The Miracle Waters’. There are over forty health spas in the city which offer a variety of health and beauty therapies.
         The water originates 5) __________ the ice caps of the surrounding mountains. It travels slowly down the mountain 6) ________ miles of sand and rock and along the way it becomes 7) ________ with minerals. The water that passes over the fault line is heated and is 8) _________ to treat many ailments including arthritis and to 9) _________ aching muscles. It is also believed to be very 10) ________ for the skin. The water that passes through the Mission Creek Sub-basin, south of the fault, is cold and is used as the city’s drinking water. This water has 11) _________ many awards for its great taste and is 12) __________ to be the best untreated drinking water in the country. Desert Hot Springs is 13) _________ because it has both naturally hot and cold waters. 14) _________ of this, the city has created an educational facility called Hot Spring Park that offers people the chance to see 15) _________ hand how the city receives its water.

0       A  placed            B  situated           C  found              D  set
1       A  start                B  foundation      C  basis                D  source
2       A  which              B  where              C  whose              D  who
3       A  properties       B  profits             C  pros                D  benefits
4       A  much               B  far                   C  long                 D  that
5       A  from                B  of                    C  to                    D  for
6       A  through           B  between           C  along               D  under
7       A  thick                B  filled                C  enriched          D  full
8       A  operated          B  used                C  applied            D  helped
9       A  reduce             B  comfort           C  relax                D  ease
10     A  good                B  well                 C  perfect             D  positive
11     A  given               B  earned             C  gained             D  won
12     A  understood      B  told                 C  said                 D  stated
13     A  unique             B  only                 C  solo                 D  alone
14     A  Due                 B  Because           C  Since               D  Despite
15     A  own                 B  one                  C  first                 D  lead

         Teacher: Let us check you answers.

4. False Statements
         Teacher: I want to check your comprehension now. There are mistakes in all my statements. Listen carefully and correct the mistakes.
1.     Desert Hot Springs is a village in New Jersey.
2.     The natural hot springs give the city its warmth.
3.      The water is famous for its prophesies.
4.     There are ten health spas in the city.
5.      The water originates from the surrounding rivers.
6.      It travels slowly down the hills and along the way it becomes enriched with vitamins.
7.     The heated water treats stomach and is bad for the skin.
8.     The cold water is used as the city’s swimming pool.

V. Reading

         Teacher: Desert Hot Springs is a perfect place, but not for everyone. I think, teenagers will be bored there. They need active rest and it would be better for them to go to camps for their holidays. Find Handout 3 on your desks. The teenagers here all want to attend a summer camp in the UK. On the other page there are descriptions of eight summer camps for young people. They offer excellent opportunities to have fun and to improve health and mood. Decide which summer camp would be the most suitable for the following people. While reading, underline the key-words and word-combinations as you will have to prove your choice after finishing your task.

         Teacher: Which camp is the best for Nina and Peta?
         Student: Summerfun is the best choice for them as they are happy to share a room with each other, but not with other people and Summerfun offers staying in a double room. Besides they’d like to try anew sport and this camp invites to take part in exciting sports. They also have a chance to develop their acting and singing skills.

         Teacher: Where should Mikki go?
         Student: She should go to Action Camp because she can learn English there and take part in team sports and outdoor activities. Besides, she will stay with a friendly family, and that’s just what she wants as she has never stayed from home before.

         Teacher: What about Hannu? What is the best choice for him?
         Student: The best choice for him is Sportscamp. I think so because he can have individual tennis lessons there and he can also improve his English by attending classes where the language is studied in a relaxed atmosphere.

         Teacher: What is the best holiday destination for Benny and Tomas?
         Student: The best holiday destination for Benny and Thomas is Stake House. There is an inventor’s school there and they are keen on science. They will also be able to watch films in a private cinema and go swimming as the camp is situated on a sandy beach.

         Teacher: Which of the camps is good for Jean-Pierre?
         Student: Jean-Pierre is fond of reading books about spies that’s why Special Agents’ Camp is good for him. He will learn how to use codes for secret messages, make-up and acting skills for undercover work. He will also practice judo and outdoor survival skills.
         Teacher: Thank you. Your answers were correct and you managed to prove your choices.

VI. Listening
1. Pre-Listening Task

         Teacher: Summer camps are really very good for teenagers’ body and soul. But lots of people don’t wait for summer. They exercise in gyms and go to health clubs. Let’s join into groups of four and make a list of activities that people can do in a gym or in a health club.
         (e.g. aerobics, swimming, yoga, dancing for fitness, weight lifting, cycling etc.)

2. While-Listening Task

         Teacher: You are going to listen to a conversation between two people and you must decide where the conversation takes place and who the people are.
         (first listening)
         Student: The conversation takes place in a health club. The woman is an employee and the man is thinking of joining the club.
         Teacher: I am giving you a sheet of paper with some information about Abbey Health Club. You have half a minute to look it through. You are going to listen again and your task is to spot the differences between the information on the sheet and what you hear on the recording.
         (second listening)
         Teacher: Well, there are 8 differences in total. Let’s see if you have spotted all of them.

         Tape script
Jackie: Hi! I’m Jackie. Welcome to Abbey Health Club!
Man: Thanks.
Jackie: If you follow me, I’ll give you a quick tour. Through there is the swimming pool.
Man: Oh, yes. It looks good.
Jackie: The pool’s open all the time except for Thursday afternoons, when it’s closed for cleaning.
Man: I see.
Jackie: You can take classes in the pool if you like. We have ‘Swim for Fitness’ classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at two pm. And ‘Water Aerobics’ on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning, at ten. All classes are an hour.
Man: OK. And where is the gym?
Jackie: It’s just up here.
Man: Wow. It’s big.
Jackie: You can come here and exercise any time. there are lots of fitness classes. We’ve got aerobics, cycling, running … lots of things.
Man: How about yoga? Is there a yoga class?
Jackie: Sure. We have ‘Yoga for Beginners’ on Mondays and Thursdays at nine thirty, and ‘Intermediate Yoga’ at eleven thirty on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Man: Great. Oh… and is there a car park?
Jackie: Yes, but you have to pay … about one pound for an hour, I think. We’re open from six in the morning to ten at night Monday to Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday from eight am to nine pm. So … do you want to join?
Man: Er … how much is it?
Jackie: Well, there is a joining fee of ₤70 and then you can choose the type of membership you want. When do you think you’ll be coming?
Man: Evenings and weekends, I guess.
Jackie: Well, that’s Gold membership, so it’ll be ₤50 a month.
Man: I see. Well, thank you for your time.
Jackie: Thank you! See you soon, maybe!
Man: Yes … maybe.

3. Post-Listening Task

         Teacher: Now you can use the information sheets to role-play the dialogues with your partners. Let’s listen to one of the role-plays.

VI. Writing. ‘For and Against” Essay

“For and against” essays are one type of discursive writing in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic. A “For and against” essay should consist of:
a.     an introduction in which you present the topic, making a general remark bout it without giving your opinion;
b.     a main body in which you present the points for and the points against, in separate paragraphs, supporting your arguments with justifications / examples;
c.      a conclusion which includes your opinion (e.g. In my opinion/view, I believe/think, etc.) or a balanced summery of the topic.
You must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) in the introduction or the main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final paragraph, where you may state your opinion on the topic.
“For and against” essays are normally written in a formal style; therefore you should avoid using strong language (I know, I am sure, etc.), short sentences, colloquial expressions or idioms.
You can find this type of writing in articles in newspapers, magazines, etc.

Task 1
         Use the words / phrases below to complete the table.
• many people are in favour of/are against   • because   • in conclusion   • although 
• firstly   • therefore   • in addition   • to sum up   • as a result   • however   • secondly
• finally   • furthermore   • such as   • it has been suggested that   • in spite of/despite
• on the other hand   • some people believe/are convinced that   • taking everything into account   • one advantage/disadvantage of

Introduce points

List/add points

Introduce examples/

Show contrast

Introduce the concusion

         Task 2
         Read the rubric and underline the key words. Then answer the questions that follow.
         Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the school newspaper about the advantages and disadvantages of joining a gym.

9.     What is the reason for writing?
10.           Who is going to read your article?
11.           In which paragraphs will you present your arguments?
12.           In which paragraph can you include your opinion?

         Task 3
         Read the arguments below and mark them a (advantages) or d (disadvantages).

         A  get fit                                 C  time-consuming
         B  expensive                           D  meet new people

Task 4
         Match the arguments to the justifications that follow.

1              hard to fit into a busy schedule
2              look and feel better
3              if you don’t go regularly, it’s a waste of money
4              improve your social life

Task 5
         Write the article for the school newspaper (120-180 words). Use the plan below and your answers from the previous exercises to help you.

(Para 1)               present topic (without stating your opinion)
Main Body
(Para 2)               arguments for (advantages) with justifications / examples
(Para 3)               arguments against (disadvantages) with justifications    
(Para 4)               your opinion or a balanced summery

VII. The results of the lesson.
         Home task: to write an essay

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