воскресенье, 6 сентября 2015 г.

Конспект уроку з теми "City and Country Life" (8 клас)

" Життя в великому та маленькому місті" Конспект уроку (8 клас)
                            Вчитель: Чернобривець Л.М.

Тип уроку: урок формування вмінь та навичок
Цілі  уроку:
·        Практична: активізувати навички володіння  лексикою «Життя в великому місті та селі»,  формувати навички читання з метою вилучення інформації, тренувати вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників в усному мовленні, удосконалювати навички аудіювання текстів, навчити учнів монологічним повідомленням  на рівні фразової єдності з використанням вербально-візуальних опор.
·        Освітня: поглиблювати знання учнів про оточуючий світ, розширювати світогляд учнів.
·        Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння виокремлювати потрібну інформацію з тексту, вміння логічно і послідовно висловлюватись на основі заданої мовленнєвої ситуації. розвивати логічне мислення учнів через проведення таких операцій як аналіз, порівняння, систематизація, розвивати мовну і слухову пам’ять, творче мислення.
·        Виховна: прививати любов до англійської мови, виховувати в учнів любов до рідної природи, повагу до оточуючого середовища,  виховувати толерантне ставлення до смаків та думок оточуючих.
Обладнання уроку: роздатковий матеріал для виконання лексичних вправ, завдань з читання та аудіювання, відео для аудіювання, малюнки для виконання творчого завдання, презентація, екран.

 Хід уроку
I.Початок уроку.  3 хв.
Організація групи.
Введення в іншомовну атмосферу,  мовленнєва розминка.
Teacher: Good morning! How are you? It’s high time to begin our lesson. Today we have an unusual one. There are some guests here. Let’s greet them. Good morning!
Will you smile? Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy. Let’s start.
Look at the screen and listen to the poem.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small,
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big,
And in the city where the houses are tall,
There are no gardens at all.
What is this poem about? (pupils’ answers)
You’re right. As you’ve understood we’ll continue working on the theme “City and country life” today.
Mason Cooley once said, Knowledge and power are in the city; peace and health are in the country. What things are more important for you? What place is better for you to live in? Take a free microphone and express your point of view.
-         I’d prefer to live in the country and breathe fresh air.
-         My choice is a city, of course. Only in the city you can taste a real life.
-         Rural life is more preferable for me because everybody knows each other and people are friendly.
-         In my opinion it’s much better to live in the city where the services are better.
-         I’d like to live in the country and eat healthy food.
-         City life is the best for me, as I’m a sports fan and in the city I can visit the matches of my favourite football team.
-         I adore walking in the fields and forests. That’s why I choose rural life.
-         It’s dangerous to live in a big city nowadays as the crime rate is constantly increasing; I prefer a quiet country life.
-         I am sure I’d like to live in the city as there are better job and education opportunities there.
-         I’m a keen cinema-goer, and only in the city I can visit a good movie-theatre.
-         By all means rural life is better for me, as I am fond of fishing.
-         As most young people I prefer to live in big city and have the opportunity to go shopping in the huge trading centres.
Teacher: As I see, tastes differ. Let’s work more on the topic and at the end of the lesson we’ll see if your opinions remain the same.
II. Основна частина уроку
1. Активізація лексики. 10 хв.
Teacher: Your homework was to learn the words, let’s see if you know them well and do some tasks.
We are going to play a game.
This row will be the first group and you are the second one. Each group will get cards with the words and some definitions of the words.
One group is to read the definition, the other is to decide which word it is, find it and give it to me.
Let us try!
 Set #1
Places to leave many cars (car parks)
Dirty air because of smoke and petrol fumes (pollution)
Heavy motor vehicle for pulling ploughs trucks. (Tractor)
Places to go at night, e. g . Bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, disco…. (Night-life)
An area of land owned or rented by a person or a group of people and used for growing crops, vegetables, fruit, raising animals. (Farm)
Farm animals such as cows, bulls, oxen. (Cattle)
Business part of a town or a city. (Downtown)
Set #2
A small house, usually of only one story. (Cottage)
A place where meals are served to customers. (Restaurant)
A small community or group of houses in a rural area. (Village)
An urban area, as contrasted with its surrounding countryside. (Town)
A road, usually paved, in a village, town, or city, including the sidewalk. (Street)
An area of land, usually in a largely natural state, for the enjoyment of the public. (Park)
A part of the shore of an ocean, sea, large river, lake, etc. (beach)
(I stick the words on the blackboard in two columns.)
Teacher: Have a look at the blackboard. As you see these things can be found in the city and the things from this column we can see in the country.  What else can we find in the city or in the country? Look at the screen and say as in the example.
Fields, factories, department stores,
car parks, libraries, suburbs, nightclubs,
museums, cottages, fashion houses,
shopping centres,  hospitals, woods,
theatres, cinemas, restaurants, offices,
banks, police stations, squares,
 beaches, rivers, lakes, universities,
 colleges, schools
P 1: We can find cinemas in the city.
P2: We can find fields in the country.

Teacher: It was an easy task for such clever pupils. Ok, let us continue
Now, please, match the adjectives to the nouns and say where we can see them.
P1: We can see sandy, clean, crowded or isolated beaches in the county.

Narrow, quiet, c about living in the country and in the city. Work in pairs, read your part of the text, fill in the missing words and decide which opinion it is.
1. “The thing I like the most about _________ on the farm is the change of seasons. Spring, summer, ___________ and winter – you can see them all come and go, and each one is completely different. In the city you can’t tell the difference – you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegetables all the year round. Here in the ________ you eat things at certain time of the year – for example, strawberries in June and turnips in winter. Also we make most of our _______ – we make butter and cheese, we grow our own ______________ and bake our own bread. We never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything is ___________. City people may think we miss a lot of good things about modern life, but in my opinion they miss a lot more than we do- they miss real life”.
(living, autumn, country, food, vegetables, fresh)
2. “Life is fast here and there is always something to do – cinemas, _____________, restaurants. Shopping is fantastic – you can buy anything you want in London, ___________ are often open late at night. I like the pubs – many have ____________ in the evening. There are bad things about my city, too, of course. There are too many __________; you have to queue for everything – in the banks, supermarkets, post offices. And it’s true that London is __________ – people just throw things in the streets and I hate that. It is also very ___________ and there is too much traffic. But I still prefer London to any other place I know.
(theatres, shops, music, people, dirty, noisy)
3. “I love it because it is __________ and easy. You never have to queue in shops or banks. The village is __________ – the people look after it and don’t throw their rubbish in streets. The air is clean too because there is not much heavy ___________. I’s much more _____________ here than in a city. One problem is that there isn’t much to do in the evenings – we haven’t got any ____________ or theatres. But I still prefer ___________ life to city life”.
(slow, clean, traffic, friendlier, cinemas, rural)
4. “I hate living on the _________. I haven’t got any friends here. I have to ____________ 15 miles to school every day in any weather. If I want to go out at ____________ I have to go 20 miles to the nearest ____________, but the last bus is really early. I’d prefer to live in the city with good shops and places to __________. I never do anything here but work helping my parents about the farm. I can’t wait to __________ home and get a job in town. I’ll never be a farmer’s wife.
(farm, travel, weekends, town,  go, leave)
5. “For me the life in the _________ is wonderful – all this fresh ________ and the singing of the birds! If I could afford it, I’d give up my practice in London and come to live here all the year round. I’m tired of the city with its _________________ and the traffic and people rushing about from place to place without the time to think and look around. Every time I wake up in this ___________, and look out and see the flowers and the grass and the magnificent line of trees on the hill over there, I feel it’s good to be alive. Whereas in London it’s depressing. Standing in _________, waiting for buses and then being stuck in the underground like sardines. There are so many people that you can’t ___________. And everyone is in such a rush!
(country, air, pollution, cottage, queues, breathe)
6. “For my Dad and me, the __________ isn’t a matter of looking out of the window at the trees. It’s a bit different if you have to get up at five in the morning, with snow on the ground, to milk the cows. And all the time you have to _________ the weather! And the gossips, if you say “Hello” to a girl in this ________, it will get around to everyone in about two hours thanks to her, and the next thing you know someone will come and ask you when you are going to get married! All right, I admit we’ve got less _________ and it is quiet here. But there is nothing to do here. In London you’ve got _________________ and cinemas. And what about the schools? You’ve got good  ________ in the city, too. I don’t mind telling you, if I had better education I wouldn’t be stuck on the farm.
(country, watch, village, crime, nightlife, schools)
Teacher: Are you ready?  Pair 1, read the words you’ve filled in. (pupils in pairs read the missing words)
Now come to the blackboard and match the person with his or her opinion. Read the text to your group mates. And you, guys, be attentive while listening, you should chose the pros and cons of living in the city and in the country, which are mentioned in the texts, in the tables.
Lot of things to do
Better living conditions
Places to go
Better education
Job opportunities
Lot of people
Stressful life
Heavy traffic
The cost of living is high

fresh food
close to nature
The cost of living is low
fresh air        
Less traffic
beautiful scenery
less crime

Nothing to do
no friends
Living conditions are difficult
travel to school or to the cinema
hard work
get up early
Social and cultural life is limited

1. Samuel Oaks is a 43 years-old farmer whose ancestors lived in the country all their lives.
“The thing I like the most about living on the farm is the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter – you can see them all come and go, and each one is completely different. In the city you can’t tell the difference – you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegetables all the year round. Here in the country you eat things at certain time of the year – for example, strawberries in June and turnips in winter. Also we make most of our food – we make butter and cheese, we grow our own vegetables and bake our own bread. We never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything is fresh. City people may think we miss a lot of good things about modern life, but in my opinion they miss a lot more than we do- they miss real life”.
2. John Williams is 28 and he lives in a megalopolises.
“Life is fast here and there is always something to do – cinemas, theatres, restaurants. Shopping is fantastic – you can buy anything you want in London, shops are often open late at night. I like the pubs – many have music in the evening. There are bad things about my city, too, of course. There are too many people; you have to queue for everything – in the banks, supermarkets, post offices. And it’s true that London is dirty – people just throw things in the streets and I hate that. It is also very noisy and there is too much traffic. But I still prefer London to any other place I know.
3. Sheila Brooks is 25; she is a young teacher and lives in a small village called Henfield with a population about 500 people.
“I love it because it is slow and easy. You never have to queue in shops or banks. The village is clean – the people look after it and don’t throw their rubbish in streets. The air is clean too because there is not much heavy traffic. I’s much more friendly here than in a city. One problem is that there isn’t much to do in the evenings – we haven’t got any cinemas or theatres. But I still prefer rural life to city life”.
4. Samuel’s daughter Alex is 15 and doesn’t like country life as much as her father does.
“I hate living on the farm. I haven’t got any friends here. I have to travel 15 miles to school every day in any weather. If I want to go out at weekends I have to go 20 miles to the nearest town, but the last bus is really early. I’d prefer to live in the city with good shops and places to go. I never do anything here but work helping my parents about the farm. I can’t wait to leave home and get a job in town. I’ll never be a farmer’s wife.
5. Chris Duncan is a 35 years doctor who lives in London but spends most weekends in summer in the cottage in the village of Ireton Wood.
“For me the life in the country is wonderful – all this fresh air and the singing of the birds! If I could afford it, I’d give up my practice in London and come to live here all the year round. I’m tired of the city with its pollution and the traffic and people rushing about from place to place without the time to think and look around. Every time I wake up in this cottage, and look out and see the flowers and the grass and the magnificent line of trees on the hill over there, I feel it’s good to be alive. Whereas in London it’s depressing. Standing in queues, waiting for buses and then being stuck in the underground like sardines. There are so many people that you can’t breathe. And everyone is in such a rush!
6. Alan Summer, aged 22, is the son of the farmer. He has his own view on the city and country life.
“For my Dad and me, the country isn’t a matter of looking out of the window at the trees. It’s a bit different if you have to get up at five in the morning, with snow on the ground, to milk the cows. And all the time you have to watch the weather! And the gossips, If you say “Hello” to a girl in this village, it will get around to everyone in about two hours thanks to her, and the next thing you know someone will come and ask you when you are going to get married! All right, I admit we’ve got less crime and it is quiet here. But there is nothing to do here. In London you’ve got nightclubs and cinemas. And what about the schools? You’ve got good schools in the city, too. I don’t mind telling you, if I had better education I wouldn’t be stuck on the farm.
5. Навчання говорінню та письму. 8 хв.
Teacher: You see so many people, so many opinions. Of course, it’s very difficult to chose where it is better to live your life. Let us imagine that our today’s guests have to make this difficult choice and let us help them. We are going to make TV advertisements, persuading people to live in the city or in the country.  Take a piece of the puzzle, match your puzzles and form the groups. Well done! Look at the pictures you have. As you see, the first group will persuade us to move to the country and the second group will tell us all the pros of living in a big city. Good luck to you, use your creativity and everything we’ve learned and in 3 minutes be ready to present your ads. Take these slogans you can complete them and use in your presentations.
Teacher: Ok, I hope you are ready to present your ads. Listen to each other’s presentations attentively and say if you’ve changed your mind about city and country life at the end of our lesson.

Moo, cock-a-doodle-doo, quack.
 Oh, my godness it’s 5 o’clock in the morning. Get up and sing! Enjoy every minute of your life admiring beautiful scenery.
 Fresh air, peace and nature will be your best friends. Sweet straberries and cherries, mmm, yummy. Fresh vegetables and fruit, homemade food are here for you every day. Hm, should I mention the opportunity to exercise in your garden to grow it all. You’ll be fit as a fiddle  living in the country.
Besides, living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city.Helpful and friendly people are all around you.They know everything about you, so they can give you advice whether you want it or not. Life in the country is so easy and slow you’ll taste every minute of it.
Don’ t be frustrated with the entertainment opportunities. One can always enjoy birds watching, swimming, hiking or fishing. Working in the fields will give you a wonderful opportunity to keep fit without any fees.
Forget about traffic jams, rush hours, filthy cars and sticky underground. You will walk short distances or use your car to drive longer ones. Just imagine the feeling of living in your own house: there are no noisy neighbours playing the piano all the nights long, there is a lot of space and you do not need to turn your music down even at 12p.m. What can be better!
Don’t think that it’s more difficult to get good education in the village. New technologies and the Internet are in every part of our world now. You and your kids can get education or job online. So, don’t miss the chance of your life to change everything for better. Come and live in the countryside. Be healthy and happy!
Slogans :  Fresh air\Healthy food\ Friendly people \A lot of space\ Your own house
No traffic jams\Quiet entertainments
Bustling streets, the smell of outdoor cafes, the lights of city ads. Welcome to the fairy-tale. All these and a lot more you can see living in the city
Shoping, shopping is everywhere: huge departmrnt stores, supermarkets, antique shops and fashion boutiques are open for you 24 hours a day – keep your purse open.
Cinemas, theatres, nightclubs and restaurants are waiting for you. If you are a sport fan or keen on reading, hundreds of sporting events, numerous libraries are available to suit every taste.
The speed of your life is unbelievable. Beep, beep, chooh, chooh, oh, save my ears. Use comfortable and fast public transport to get wherever you want.Cars, trains, buses, trolleybuses and taxis will take you to any part of the city very quickly(if it’s not a rush hour or there is a traffic jam on your way).
The best schols, colleges and univercities, language and driving courses can make you the cleverest person ever. Job opportunities are enourmous. One can find a job to suit any taste. Money, money, money. Yes, you need a lot of it to live in the city))).
Don’t forget all those museums, art galleries, concert halls and sights. You can easyly find where to go and what to see, if you have time, of course. OK, don’t be silly, come and live in a big city, make your life an everlasting holiday!
Slogans : Great shopping\ Public transport\  Fascitating nightlife
Good job and education opportunities\Cultural life
Teacher: Great job. Your ads were brilliant. Now tell me please if your views about country and city life have changed?
P1. No, I still prefer to live in a big city despite all the beauties of the countryside.
P2: As for me, now I think that maybe I can move to the country when I have grandchildren. It is much better to live in the country for them and for me it will be more peaceful.
III Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків, виставлення оцінок. Пояснення домашнього завдання. 3 хв.
Teacher: I believe you know a lot about living in the city and country now. Your work today was excellent. Your marks are …
Your homework is to write a short text (10 sentences) expressing your personal opinion about living in the city and in the country and to present it at the next lesson.
Today you’ve learnt a lot about the life in the city and in the country but I hope you’ll remember that:
It is not the places that grace the men, but men grace the places.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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