среда, 28 октября 2015 г.

Майстер-клас з теми «Використання методів кооперативного навчання для активізації роботи учнів на старшому етапі навчання» (Вчитель: Нагорна Н.А.)

Теоретична частина
Інтерактивні технології:
·        Колективно-групове навчання
·        Ситуативне моделювання
·        Дискусії
·        Кооперативне навчання
Ідея кооперативного навчання виникла за кордоном. Підґрунтям для розробки технології кооперативного навчання стали концепції Дж. Дьюї, Ж.-Ж. Піаже, Л. Виготського. У вітчизняній методичній літературі кооперативне навчання пов’язують з такими поняттями як педагогіка співробітництва та колективний спосіб навчання.
Кооперативне навчання відкриває для учнів можливості співпраці, дає змогу реалізувати природне прагнення до спілкування, сприяє досягненню вищих результатів засвоєння знань.
Групи (пари) формуються на принципі «вільного» складу.
За рівнем базових знань для виконання диференційованих завдань учнів можна об’єднувати в сильні, середні та слабкі групи.
Об’єднання в групи вчитель може здійснювати на добровільних засадах або за результатами жеребкування. Можна заздалегідь визначити склад груп і вивісити в класі до початку уроку. Можна об’єднувати учнів за спільними ознаками (розрахунок, кольори, геометричні фігури).
Об’єднання в групи:
·        Puzzles
·        Thematic pictures
·        Corners
·        A, B, C

Об’єднання в пари:
·        Ribbons
·        Proverbs, sayings
·        Opposites
·        Associations
·        Half a picture or a photo

Практична частина

1.     Робота в парах
Об’єднання в пари для виконання цього завдання можна здійснити за допомогою стрічок (бажано одного кольору). Вчитель тримає стрічки в руці, учні беруться за їх краї. Власники однієї стрічки являються однією парою.

“Monroe and Chaplin”
1.     The teacher writes Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin on the board. She asks the students if they know who they both are.
2.     The teacher then hands out an A and a B worksheet to each pair. Students must not look at their partner’s worksheets.
3.     The teacher asks students to read the first text on their sheet. If they have any problems with comprehension, they can ask for help.
4.     After that the students are asked to read the second text and to think about questions they can ask to find out the missing information.
5.     Student A asks questions to complete the text on Charlie Chaplin. Then student B does the same to complete the text on Marilyn Monroe.
6.     At the end, each student reads out their completed text and their partner listens to check that the information is correct.
Marilyn Monroe was born as Norma Jeane Baker, in Los Angeles on 1st June 1926. In 1944 she was working in an aeroplane factory when she was noticed by a photographer, who helped her to become a model. In 1946 she had a screen test with the 20th Century Fox film studio and started using the name Marilyn Monroe. Her first film appearance was in 1947.
At first she had only small roles. But 3 big films in 1953 made her a star: Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire. At the end of that year Marilyn was voted Hollywood’s top star. She went on to make 30 films. In 1962, she sang for President Kennedy on his birthday. Her greatest success was the comedy Some Like It Hot (1959), which is still one of the world’s best-loved films.
But Marilyn felt that she was never seen as a serious actress and she did not find happiness in her personal life. She had three husbands, including baseball star Joe DiMaggio and writer Arthur Miller, but all her marriages ended in divorce. She died alone, after taking sleeping tablets, in her Los Angeles flat on 5th August 1962, at the age of 36.
         Charlie Chaplin (____ - 1977) spent his early years in _________. When he was five, he ____________________. He later joined the Karno Company, a comedy group. In 1912 he left England and moved to __________. He was soon working as an actor and director, and he made _________ short films in 1914. By 1916 he was getting $____ a week. His first long film was The Kid , which was made in _____. City Lights came out in _____ and ______________ came out in 1936. Chaplin continued to make silent films until 1940. In 1952 he left America and went to live in _________. He received __________ in 1972. ___________ on Christmas Day, 1977.

Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 and grew up in London, where his family was very poor. He first went on the stage at the age of five and by the time he was 17 he was working with a comedy group called the Karno Company. When they went on tour in the USA in 1912, Charlie decided to stay there. He appeared in his first film in 1914.
In that year he made 35 short silent comedy films as actor and director. This was also the year when he created his most famous character, “the Tramp”. By 1916 his weekly pay was $10,000 and he was world famous. His first long film, The Kid (1921), was a huge success. Other great films, like The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931) and Modern Times (1936), were even more popular. In 1928 sound was introduced to films and studios started making “talking pictures”, but Chaplin continued to make silent films until 1940.
Later Chaplin was attacked for his political opinions. He left the USA in 1952 to make his home in Switzerland. He returned to America only once, 20 years later, to receive a special Oscar for his life’s work. He died in his Swiss home on 25th December 1977, at the age of 88.
         Marilyn Monroe’s real name was ________________. She was born in ____ in Los Angeles. She had a job in a _____________ before she started working as a model in 1944. Her first film was in 1947. _________ was the year when she became a big Hollywood star – she made ______ films in that year. But her most popular film was ___________, which came out in _______. She married ___ times. One of her husbands, Joe DiMaggio, was a famous _______ player and Arthur Miller was a __________. Marilyn was only ______ years old when she died in ___________ in 1962.

2.     Ротаційні трійки
Кожен учасник трійки отримує картку з номером 0, 1 або 2. Учасник з номером 0 залишається завжди на місці. Учасник з номером 1 після відповіді на перше запитання або обговорення першої проблеми переходить в наступну трійку (по часовій стрілці). Учасник з номером 2 приєднується до трійки, що знаходиться через одну. Таким чином, склад трійок постійно змінюється.
 “Knowing Me”
1.     The class is divided into groups of three. Each group is given a set of cards placed face down in the middle of the table.
2.     A student takes a card and asks another student a question on it. The teacher aims the students to speak for about half a minute.
3.     After answering the first question the students rotate and take the second card. The card should then be returned to the bottom of the pile.
4.     The teacher completes the activity with the whole class by asking each student to tell you something interesting they discovered about their classmates.
What do you think is your best quality?
Who do you most enjoy spending time with?
What’s your greatest fear?
What are you most proud of?
What’s your favourite possession?
What’s your earliest memory?
What’s your favourite way to travel?
If you could go anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
How different would your life be without the Internet?
What would you most like to change about your personality?
         What’s your ambition?
         What makes you happy?
         Where would you like to live in the future?
         What do you like doing at the weekend?
         Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
         What’s the most interesting thing about your family?
         What makes you sad?
         If you could meet someone famous, who would you choose?

3.     2-4-Всі разом
Для виконання цього завдання учні спочатку об’єднуються в пари. Після обговорення запитань вдвох, вони приєднуються до сусідньої пари та обговорюють ситуації. В кінці весь клас об’єднується, щоб висловити свої думки.
Families Large and Small
1.     The teacher divides the class into pairs and hands out a card with questions to each student. The students have to ask each other these questions and discuss the answers.
2.     After a few minutes the students are reorganized into groups of four and discuss the same questions with the new partners.
3.     In the end the teacher develops this as a whole class discussion.
How many people are there in your family?
How much time do you spend with your mother or father?
What do you do together?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
How different do you think your life would be with or without them?
Would you like to have children one day? Why or why not?
What do you think is the ideal number of people in a family?
Are families in your country today getting bigger or smaller?
What do you think is the best age to become a parent?
Do you think being close in age is the most important thing in relationships between members of a family? Why or why not?

4.     Карусель

Учні об’єднуються в дві групи. Стільці в класі утворюють два кола – внутрішнє та зовнішнє. Перша група учнів сідає на стільці внутрішнього кола, спиною один до одного та обличчям до учнів другої групи, що розташовуються на стільцях зовнішнього кола. Учні з внутрішнього кола задають запитання учням із зовнішнього кола. Після першого запитання учні зовнішнього кола пересідають на сусідній стілець по часовій стрілці.
 “Your Week”
1.     The teacher gives a list of questions to the students of the inner circle. They are to ask the students of the outer circle and to remember their answers.
2.     After asking all the questions the students from the inner circle make short reports about what they have learnt.
Find someone who…
1 travels by bus every day of the week
2 always has bread for breakfast
3 is cooking this evening
4 uses a hairdryer every day
5 listens to music in the morning
6 has a piano lesson every week
7 does exercises every day
8 often sees relatives during the week
9 gets up earlier than you on weekdays
10 is going out tonight
11 plays basketball every week
12 is reading a good book
13 goes to bed later than you
14 sends at least five emails a day
15 is going to the cinema this weekend
16 gets up later than you on Saturdays
17 uses the computer more than you
18 usually goes shopping at weekends
19 watches the news on TV every day
20 sends more than five text messages a day

5.     Робота в малих групах
Для об’єднання учнів в групи для виконання наступного завдання можна використати прийом “Corners”. Для цього вчитель розвішує в кутках класу таблички з назвами пір року. Учні стають в різні кути залежно від того, в яку пору року вони народились. В складі такої групи вони працюють над наступним завданням.
“A New Festival”
1.     The teacher explains to the groups that they are going to invent a new and unusual festival in their country and present it to the class. A time limit of five minutes is set to come up with some general ideas.
2.     The teacher hands out a set of cards to each group. They are asked to choose at least 15 of the cards and use them to fill out the details of their festival. They can write notes on the cards.
3.     The teacher asks the groups to put the cards in a logical sequence to organize their presentation and to decide who will say what.
4.     The students can be given time to make posters or computer presentations of their festival.
5.     In turn, the groups present their festivals to the class. The others are encouraged to ask questions after each presentation.
6.     At the end, a class vote is taken on the best festival.

Name of festival
Date and duration
Season and weather
Number of people who take part
Visitors and tourists
Origins – when? why?
How it used to be
Changes since it first began
What happens first
What happens later
Highlight(s) of the event
Special food
How and when the event ends
Problems in the past
Success or failure last year
Plans for the future

6.     Робота в групах

“Making Up a Story”
1.     There are two or three groups of 6-7 students each. Every group is given a set of pictures or photos. They are completely identical. The groups are asked to make up their stories on the pictures.
2.     The stories are then presented to the class and compared.

7.     Акваріум
Для виконання завдання учні об’єднуються в 3-4 групи по 4 учасника. Вони слухають проблему або ситуацію. Потім перша група отримує картки з завданням. Вони сідають в центр класу – в акваріум. Учні першої групи обговорюють проблему вголос. Інші учні можуть задавати додаткові запитання або висловлювати свої коментарі. Але не перебивати і не сперечатись. Через певний час друга група займає місце в центрі класу. Обговорення триває до тих пір, поки всі групи не побувають в акваріумі.
“Leaving School”
1.     The teacher explains the situation: You are in a country where everyone must be 16 years old before they can leave school. There is now a new proposal from the government to change the leaving age from 16 to 18. Students will spend the last two years at an academic school or a college for job training.
2.     The students then have discussions where they act out the role of the person on their card.
3.     At the end the opinions are summarized and a general conclusion is made.
Group A
1.     You are the manager of a tourist business. You want motivated intelligent employees and you would never choose people who leave school early.
2.     You are a parent with four children and you have a job. You want your children to get an education, but it is hard to find enough money to pay for all the things they need while they are at school.
3.     You are a builder. You think the school leaving age should be lower, not higher. You believe that formal education is useless for lots of people and it would be better for them to learn ‘on the job’.
4.     You are a 16-year-old student and you enjoy learning. You will stay at school until you are 18 and then go to university. You think this is important to have a good life in the future.
Group B
1.     You are a 15-year-old student. You hate school and you want to get a job to earn money as soon as possible.
2.     You are a police officer. You think the proposal is a good idea because it will keep young people busy and off the streets.
3.     You are a young teacher and you agree with the proposal. You believe that everyone should get a good education and that schools and collages should provide interesting courses for everyone.
4.     You are the manager of a group of shops and you don’t agree with the proposal. You employ a lot of young people at the age of 16 because you don’t have to pay them as much as older people.
Group C
1.     You are a social worker and you think the proposal is probably a good idea. You can see that at the moment too many young people leave education without qualifications and can’t get a job.
2.     You are a 30-year-old person working in a boring job from 9 to 5. For you, school days were the best time of your life. You don’t think anyone should be in a hurry to leave school and join the ‘rat race’.
3.     You are a 19-year-old student. You think that it’s a good idea to stay on at school, but you don’t think people should have to do so.
4.     You are a secondary school teacher. You are worried that the new proposal would mean more difficult students in your older classes.
Group D
1.     You are a 17-year-old factory worker. You are sorry you left school last year because your pay is low and you can see there isn’t much chance of improving your position.
2.     You are a member of the government. You can see that most people in other countries are better educated than in yours. You want your country to be as successful as possible in a competitive world.
3.     You are a successful farmer, managing a family farm. You left school when you were 16 and your son wants to do the same. You think another two years at school or collage would be a waste of time.

4.     You are a 16-year-old student and you disagree with the proposal. You will be glad when some students leave school at the end of this year because they cause trouble and make life difficult for those who want to learn.

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