понедельник, 9 января 2017 г.

Сценарій позакласного заходу "Project Fair" для учнів 10-11 класів. Нагорна Н.А., Чернобривець Л.М.

                   ­­­­-   розвиток мовленнєвих навичок та вмінь;
-         удосконалення артикуляційних навичок;
-         розвиток уміння вести діалоги;
-         прилучення учнів до культури країни, мова якої
-         розширення філологічного кругозору;
-         розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
-         розвивати естетичне сприймання дійсності;
-         розвивати культуру спілкування;
-         розвивати творчість учнів;
-         прищеплювати любов до мови, яка вивчається, та
зацікавленість в її вивченні;
-         виховувати взаємоповагу та бажання взаємодопомоги;
-         виховувати самостійність.
 (The sound of fanfare)

Compere I: Good morning, dear teachers and guests! Hello, dear friends!
Compere II: We welcome you to our show “Project Funfair’’.
Compere I: It is fully devoted to British customs and traditions.
Compere II: Can you explain why this theme has been chosen?
Compere I: Well, it’s obvious. A good start to gaining some understanding of the lives of people is to look at their customs and traditions. These illustrate not only what is important to the people living there, but also how they relax and have fun.
Compere II: We all know that Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years. British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. When people think of Britain, they often think of people drinking tea, talking about the weather and wearing bowler hats, but there is more to Britain than just those things.
Compere I: So, what shall we start with, then?
Compere II: Try to guess. What do such colours as red, white and blue remind you of?
Compere I: Aren’t they the colours of the British flag?
Compere II: You are right, but not only this. Let us learn about their meaning in the UK symbols.

Project “Colour Symbolism in the British and the Ukrainian Cultures”
Student: Colours have always been important and used in both household traditions and culture. Many colours are of great information significance. The aim of my work is to analyze the meaning of colours in the British and Ukrainian cultures and history and to make a conclusion about the prevalence of different colours in Britain and Ukraine.
I’d like to start with red colour in British culture:
1. The national emblem of England is red or scarlet rose.
2. The red flag in the British Navy exists from the 17th century and symbolizes the "call to battle“.
3. Buses and telephone booths in England are red.
4. British soldiers wear red uniforms.
5. In England there is a celebration called "Red Friday" in honor of the victory of the miners over the businessmen.
Red colour in Ukrainian culture is believed to be a symbol of beauty, health, joy, prosperity, love.
In Ukrainian embroidery it symbolizes the inseparable blood relationship, love, and family.

One more colour I’ve researched about is green.
Green colour in British culture is one of the most symbolic colours.
1. There is a belief in England that if there is some greenery on the stage it will fail the performance.
2. According to the English beliefs, if the bride wears at least one green object, this will bring bad luck.
3. Green was used on the flags of several revolutionary groups in Ireland.
4. The festival in honor of St. Patrick's Day, which is turned into the personification of the whole Ireland, is green.

Green colour in Ukrainian culture:
1. Green is a symbol of the awakening of nature, eternal youth.
2. A green embroidery is used mainly in Ukrainian weaving and it is quite common in the shoulder and waist clothes.

Another colour I want to tell you about is white.
White colour in British culture:
1. White is traditionally perceived as a color of purity, innocence.
2. White is the color of generosity, nobility, greatness, a sign of higher status in society.
3. White dress is usually for young girls, because it is a symbol of innocence. It is a wedding dress.
4. White tablecloth is a sign, a solemn and a ceremonial occasion. However, in the culture of modern England, a white tablecloth is almost out of use.
5. White dove is a symbol of peace.

White colour in Ukrainian culture:
1. White color symbolizes innocence, purity and virginity. That is why only unmarried girls were able to wear shirts with white embroidery.
2. The white colour symbolizes Christianity. Birth, baptism, wedding, death are symbolized with white colour and have the appropriate finery. The clerics wear white robes.

To sum up, red and green are quite widespread in Britain and Ukrainian cultures. They can be seen in national symbols of these countries. However, their meanings differ. In the British culture, red symbolizes blood, fire, anger, war, revolution, strength and courage. In the Ukrainian culture it means inseparable blood relationship, love and family. In Ireland, green is the colour of spring and all that is connected with hope and nature. In England it can be considered as a negative colour that brings bad luck. In Ukraine, green colour is the symbol of nature awakening, eternal youth, pleasure and peace. In England and in Ukraine, white colour is the symbol of innocence and purity. These colours are used in national clothes both in Britain and Ukraine. In Ukraine, they are used in embroidery and egg colouring. In Britain they are part of flags, festival costumes and some tourist’s attractions.
Now we invite you to enjoy a traditional Irish dance.
(A traditional Irish dance)

Compere I: Every culture across the ages has been defined by the concept of etiquette.  However, it is the British who have historically been known to place a great deal of importance in good manners.  Whether it be in relation to speech, timeliness, body language or dining, politeness is the key.

Compere II: British etiquette dictates the rules of behavior practically in every sphere of life. Manners are important!

Compere I: An English proverb says: ”When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. So, if you hope to travel to Britain one day, you are bound to know the basic dos and don’ts of their etiquette.

Project “Dos and Don’ts of the British Etiquette”
Student I: It is well-known all over the world that the English strictly follow the rules of their etiquette.
While working at our project, we have collected and analyzed hundreds of dos and don’ts of the English etiquette.

Student II: It would take hours, if we talked about it in detail. That is why we have chosen only the most important rules and are now ready to share them with you.
The English are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. Basic politeness is expected.

The major dos of the English etiquette are:
Do stand in line
In England they like to form orderly queues and wait patiently for their  turn. 'Queue jumping' is frowned upon.
Do take your hat off when you go indoors 
It is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches.
Do say "Excuse Me", “Please” and “Thank you” 
If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move, say excuse me and they will move out of your way. It is very good manners to say "please" and "thank you". It is considered rude if you don't. You will notice in England that people say 'thank you' a lot. 
Do Pay as you Go
Pay for drinks and meals as you order them in pubs, cafes and other types of bars.
Do cover your Mouth
When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand.
Do Shake Hands
When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand.
Do Smile
A smiling face is a welcoming face.
Do open doors for other people
Men and women both hold open the door for each other. It depends on who goes through the door first.

Now let us take a look at the major don’t of the English etiquette
Do not greet people with a kiss 
The English only kiss
people who are close friends and relatives.
Avoid talking loudly in public
It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.
Privacy is highly regarded
Do not ask a lady her age
It is considered
impolite to ask a lady her age
Avoid doing gestures such as backslapping and hugging
This is only done among close friends.
Do not spit
Spitting in the
street is considered to be very bad mannered.
Do not ask personal or intimate questions 
The English like their privacy. Please do not ask questions such as "How much money do you earn?" "How much do you weigh?" or "Why aren't you married?". 

Student II: Women in Britain are entitled to equal respect and status as men (and indeed vice versa) in all areas of life and tend to have more independence and responsibility than in some other cultures. Women are usually independent and accustomed to entering public places unaccompanied. It is usual for women to go out and about on their own as well as with friends. Men and women mix freely.
The famous British singer Adele is considered to be a perfect example of politeness and mannerism. Now we will enjoy one of her most wonderful songs.
(Song “Set Fire to the Rain”)

Compere II: Do you know that we can classify British traditions into several groups: family traditions, state traditions and traditional holidays, festivals and ceremonies?

Compere I: Really? What group do the wedding traditions belong to?

Compere II: They are family traditions, of course. And you can learn about them just now. Let us watch and listen.

Compere I: You are full of surprises!

Project “British and Ukrainian Wedding Customs”
Student: Today I’m going to present my research concerning British and Ukrainian wedding customs. My aim is to show the differences and similarities of the national weddings in Ukraine and Great Britain.
I’d like to start with the wedding ceremonies as they are rather different but have a lot of similarities.
Before the British wedding ceremony, the usher has to present the guests with a flower, correct books and the order of the service. He also has to ensure that the guests sit in the correct places. The seating arrangement depends on the guest’s relationship with a bride or a groom. The first seats are reserved for the bridal party, and the front row is reserved for close friends and family members. The bride with her entourage arrives in a sophisticated horse drawn carriages or cars. The bride walks down the aisle, escorted by her father. This is usually accompanied with the wedding march. This marks the beginning of the ceremony. The priest, vicar or registrar then makes the bride and groom take vows for marriage. After the vows the ring exchanging ceremony begins. The wedding ring is put on the third finger of the left hand, which is also called the ring finger. After the registrations, the guests throw confetti, flower petals, birdseed and rice at the newly married couple for a prosperous marriage.
The first part of the Ukrainian wedding begins at the bride’s home, where the closest relatives and guests gather, waiting for the traditional wedding activities. The most important wedding customs and rituals that have been honored by our ancestors are still in use. Some customs, such as "matchmaking" and "buying out the bride" are heavily modified .Other wedding rituals, such as the "betrothal" are performed strictly because of the religious connection. During the "betrothal", the priest gives the couple two burning candles, as a symbol of joy and warmth. He then puts the rings on. Later the bride and groom follow to RAGS (city hall) to register their marriage legally.
Wedding traditions of Ukraine differ from the British ones.
In the UK the 29th of February (in a leap year) is said to be the one day when a woman can propose to her partner.
Most wedding vows are taken from traditional religious ceremonies, but nowadays in the UK many couples choose touching love poems or lyrics from a love song .The other tradition is when the bride stands with her back to all the guests and throws her bouquet over her head to them; whoever catches the bouquet is the next person to get married. 
Ukrainian wedding traditions are even more interesting. In some regions of Ukraine there is a tradition, where the groom should bring the bride her wedding shoes, often filled with treats or candies. The bride and groom stand in the room together and ask for the blessing from both parents. The bride and groom then kiss the icons and hold them in their hands. Parents and godparents of the bride and groom bless them with wedding bread (korowai) and icons.

According to my research Ukrainian and English couples have got quite similar wedding receptions.
A wedding is usually followed by the reception, which could be on the same day or the next day in Britain and usually lasts for 2 or 3 days in Ukraine.
A number of speeches and toasts are raised in honor of the couple. More often than not, the couple selects their favorite music to dance. A dance between the bride and her father is also customary in both countries. The groom often cuts in halfway between the dance, which symbolizes the bride has now left the father and will join the husband.

After wedding
Usually both Ukrainian and British weddings are finished with special wedding night. It`s common for the couple to go away on holiday together. This is called the honeymoon. On arriving back home, it is traditional for the husband to carry his wife into their new home in the UK. This is called carrying the bride over the threshold.

All in all, I may say that both British and Ukrainian weddings have much more common, than different. For sure some differences in the weddings ceremonies make the national wedding special, full of mentality, showing best sides of traditions of Ukraine and Great Britain.
Wish you to become guests in both of them!

(A Role-play “Getting Ready for a Wedding Ceremony”)
(Marilyn and Ellen are helping Susan get dressed. Susan is wearing a wedding gown.)
Marilyn: (to Susan) And now for something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Susan: OK. Let’s see. Something borrowed. That’s this dress. Borrowed from Marilyn.
Ellen: Something blue. My wristband. I wore it when I married your father. (She puts it on Susan’s left wrist.)
Susan: Oh, mother. I forgot you still had it. It’s just so lovely.
Ellen: I bought it in an antique shop when I was about eighteen years old. I saved it for my wedding day.
Susan: And you saved it for me, didn’t you, Mother?
Ellen: Yes, honey, I did.
Marilyn: Are we ever going to finish? (They all laugh and cry)
Ellen: All right. OK. Something borrowed.
Marilyn: The wedding dress. And something blue.
Susan: The wristband. Something old?
Ellen: Something old. Right. What’s old?
Susan: Of course! Something old. I had planned to wear them. (She gets something from the dresser)
Ellen: Grandma’s pearls! Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you’re wearing them. I’m sure he misses Grandma on a day like this.
Susan: Help me with them, Marilyn. (Marilyn puts the pearls around Susan’s neck.) I’ve never worn them before. I’ve been saving them for today.
Ellen: Saving them for today? Oh, you are a real Stewart!
Marilyn: (She finishes helping Susan with the pearls) Oh, there you go. Lovely!
Ellen: Lovely!
Susan: (She looks in the mirror.) Lovely! Something old.
Marilyn: Something old, something blue, something borrowed, and now for something new. (She picks up the veil)
Susan: The veil. Oh, it’s so beautiful, Marilyn!
 Ellen: You really are a fabulous designer, Marilyn.
Marilyn: (She puts the veil on Susan’s head) Does it look just right on Susan?
Ellen: Perfect!
Marilyn: And when you both say, “I do”, Harry will lift this veil over your head and kiss the bride.
Ellen: Oh, I’m so excited!
Susan: When you said, ‘I do’, Marilyn, it suddenly became real.
Marilyn: That’s all right, Susan. You’ve got the wedding day jitters! In less than two hours, you will be Mrs Harry Bennett.
Ellen: Oh, that reminds me. If we don’t get dressed, we won’t be there to see Susan become Mrs Harry Bennett.
Susan: Before you leave – do I look all right?
Ellen: You never looked better!
Susan: Mom! (She hugs Ellen)
Marilyn: She’s right! (She hugs Susan)
Susan: What am I supposed to do?
Marilyn: (She and Ellen are about to leave.) Take off the veil, kick off your shoes, and sit down.
Ellen: We’ll come upstairs and get you in a little while.
Marilyn: Richard’s going to take some wedding pictures before the ceremony. So just relax.
Susan: Are you kidding? Relax?
(Ellen and Marilyn leave)
Susan: (She hums the wedding march.) Susan Stewart … you are about to become Susan Bennett - Mrs Harry Bennett.

Compere I: Family life is an extremely important issue in every culture, isn’t it?

Compere II: I guess, it is.

Compere I: What is family life like in Britain?

Compere II: The values and norms of the British family are changing. In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time. Today, people’s views on marriage are different. If you are really interested, let’s watch one more project of our fair.

Compere I: With great pleasure!

Project “British Family Traditions”
Student I: Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name’s Polina Pogribna and I’m Vladislava Ksheshevska. We’re Year 10 students here at Kirovograd Collegium. Today we’d like to tell you about family traditions of the British.

Student II: I’d like to start with an ancient tradition to give a newborn few personal names. Nowadays there are usually two: the first and the middle. Sometimes, as a middle name stands a geographical name or common noun. This tradition is now extended to all English-speaking countries. The middle name is rarely used in everyday life. It is only known by members of a family. It is said that the custom of giving a man two names was associated with a large number of similar names, but with the help of the middle name, it was easy to distinguish one child from another. The middle name often goes from some of the older members of the family, or is chosen from one of the king's name, for example, Margaret and Charles.

Student I: Everyone says that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. Porridge is the dish Englishmen are very fond of. Many of them eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. As for the Scots, for example, they never put sugar in their porridge, they always put salt in it.
By the way, breakfast time in England is between seven and nine. Then, between 12 and 2 there comes lunch time. In some English houses lunch is the biggest meal of the day — they have meat or fish, vegetables, fruit or pudding.
In the afternoon, at tea-time the English like to have a cup of tea with milk.
Some Englishmen have their dinner late in the evening.
The English are tea-drinkers. They have it many times a day. Some Englishmen have tea for breakfast, tea at lunch time, tea after dinner, tea at tea-time and tea with supper. Some English families have “high tea” and no supper. For high tea they may have cold meat, bread and butter, cakes, and, of course, a lot of tea. The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.
Student II: English people are the nation of couch potatoes. They say: "My home - my castle" and do not like the neighbours to interfere in their lives. The British prefer small houses designed for one family. A fireplace is the heart of the English home. While people of other countries go to cafes or cocktail bars in the evenings, the British prefer to gather in the living room and sit by the fire, discussing the events of the day. In many homes today, you can find fireplaces, sometimes with columns at the sides and the top shelf, where there are clocks, mirror or family photos. Also, British people are fond of animals, that's why there is an animal in every British house. In the entire population accounts for about five million dogs, about the same number of cats, three million of parrots and other birds and aquarium fish - as well as millions of exotic animals, such as reptiles.

Student I: Another curious tradition reminds us of our country. Fun and jokes are very common on April Fool’s Day. All family members are usually making fun of each other on this day. In Scotland an old name for April Fool is April-cuckoo. For some reason the cuckoo is a symbol of daftness. The return of the cuckoo and the arrival of spring are connected with all this fooling.
As the rest of the world the British love to dance. Morris dancing is their national tradition. However, for now perhaps we have to accept that British contemporary dance is more likely to produce elite dancers than the one which is called “traditional”.

(A modern dance)

Compere II: Are you fond of holidays?

Compere I: Who is not? It goes without saying that all people enjoy celebrating and having fun!

Compere II: Yes, and the British people are not an exception.

Compere I: I’ve heard that in Great Britain there are public holidays that are called “bank holidays”. What does this term mean?

Compere II: The term “bank holiday” dates back to the nineteenth century. At that time all the banks were closed on these holidays. Now many other firms and offices are closed too.

Compere I: Let me suppose that the most popular bank holiday is Christmas Day.

Compere II: You’ve got it!

Project “Christmas Traditions”
Letters and Stockings
It is very common for school age children to write letters to Santa Claus. But, the Brits take it a step further and burn the letters in the fireplace so the ashes fly up the chimney and Father Christmas can read the smoke. If, like many, you don’t have a fireplace/chimney … surely you can find alternative means. Just be safe!
         Rather than hanging stockings above the fireplace, British children hang them at the end of their bed hoping they will be filled by Christmas morning. That would be a nice surprise to wake up to. At the same time it might be difficult for “Santa” to fill without waking the wee ones.
Everyone is a king on Christmas! The paper crowns are made of tissue paper and unfold into an actual crown. The paper hat was added to the crackers in the early 1900s and the tradition has carried on.
Mid-Day Dinner 
Christmas dinner is similar to that of the U.S. with a roast turkey, goose or chicken and trimmings. But, there are some specialty items that aren’t as common such as parsnips which are a root vegetable similar to a carrot. It’s a familiar taste but it’s fun to incorporate a new veggie to the table. Brits love their pudding but Yorkshire Pudding isn’t pudding-pudding like you would think. It’s more like a flakey, deflated biscuit with the center just waiting to hold your gravy.
Boxing Day
Boxing Day follows Christmas day and is a nationally recognized holiday in the UK, also called a bank holiday. It was originally the day for servants and tradesman to receive presents from their employers but it’s now basically a big shopping day for Brits. It’s similar to Black Friday in the U.S. Your boss may wonder why you didn’t go into the office as it’s not an official holiday in the U.S. Maybe celebrate this one after work and get your shop on?
Next Year
Brits say you need to take your tree and decorations down within 12 days of Christmas or you’ll have bad luck for the next year. Don’t be that house on the street with blinking lights that go on through Valentine’s Day! Get that stuff down and get on with the New Year!

(Song “Last Christmas”)

Compere I: It was sensational, wasn’t it? Are there any other festivals reflecting interesting traditions and customs?

Compere II: Lots of them! There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside.

Compere I: Are any of them well worth paying attention to?

Compere II: Actually, all of them. But it will take us days to get to know all British celebrations.

Compere I: What shall we choose then?

Compere II: I would definitely choose May Day with its Morris dancing, crowning of a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole.

Compere I: Why are we wasting time, then? Let us invite the next participant of our Project Fair!

Project “May Day Celebration”
Student I: The first day of the month of May is known as May Day. It is the time of year when warmer weather begins and flowers and trees start to blossom. It is said to be a time of love and romance. It is when people celebrate the coming of spring with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter.
Student ІI: May Day is a public holiday. It is an ancient  spring festival that is still traditional in many cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the celebrations that the day includes.
Student I: May Day is celebrated in such countries as France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Poland, the USA, Canada and many more.
Student ІI: While doing our research work we’ve realized that the brightest May Day celebrations take place in Britain. Now, we will tell you about them.
Student I: Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole.
A traditional dance seen throughout the month of May is Morris Dancing. It is a traditional English form of folkdancing, performed by groups of men or women.
Morris Dancing has been danced for hundreds of years, and passed down through the generations in the villages of rural England.
Student ІI: The dancing is very lively and accompanied by an accordion player, a melodeon or fiddle player or a noisy band with a drum
There are usually six or eight dancers arranged in two lines or in a circle facing each other. The dancers may carry white handkerchiefs that they shake, or short sticks that they bang against each other as they dance. Some dancers have bell-pads tied at their knees, which make a loud and cheerful rhythm as they dance.
Student I: The rest of the day is given over to various festivities. There is dancing on the village green, archery contest and exhibitions of strength. The highlight of the day is the crowning of the May Queen, the human replica of Flora. By tradition she takes no part in the games or dancing, but sits like a queen in a flower-decked chair to watch her 'subjects'.
Student ІI: A traditional May Day dance is Maypole Dancing.
On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer.
People danced around the tree poles in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin.
The end results would be either a beautiful plaited pattern of ribbons round the pole or a tangled cat's cradle, depending on how much rehearsing had been done. 

Student I: Maypoles are still a part of some village life and on May Day the villagers dance around it.

Student ІI: Now we are going to watch and enjoy traditional Morris Dancing.

(Morris Dancing)

Compere II: It’s amazing! But I think we have utterly forgotten about the most famous and well-known English tradition. What comes on your mind when you think of England?

Compere I: I at once start to feel like having a cup of tea with a marmalade toast.

Compere II: You can’t be more right! The British is a nation of tea-drinkers. Afternoon tea has been always thought to be a very important tradition in the UK.

Project “Tea Drinking Traditions”
The basis of my work is the hypothesis that there are old traditions of tea drinking in Britain and these traditions have really passed through the ages. My aim was to analyze English tea traditions and their history.
History of Tea in England
Many stories end with a marriage, but the story about tea is different. It starts with the marriage… In 1662, Prince Charles II married the Portuguese Princess, Catherine of Braganza. The princess was very fond of tea and accustomed her royal spouse to this new drink. I must say that tea was familiar to the English before this marriage. Garway's Coffee House, for example, traded in tea in London since 1657. However, tea was mostly known as a medicinal drink, and was much less popular than coffee.
After Charles II became the king, tea became the Drink of the Queen. This fact secured the success of tea first among aristocracy, and then among other English citizens. This popularity was formed slowly but forever.
By 1700, tea was on sale by more than 500 coffee houses in London. Tea drinking became even more popular when Queen Anne chose tea over ale as her regular breakfast drink.
One more interesting fact is that according to the legend, one of Queen Victoria's ladies-in-waiting, Anna Maria Stanhope, the Duchess of Bedford, is known as the creator of afternoon teatime. That is because the Duchess suffered from "a sinking feeling" at about four o'clock in the afternoon.
At first she asked her servants to give her a pot of tea and a few breadstuffs. After a while she started to invite her friends to join her for an additional afternoon meal at five o'clock in her rooms at Belvoir Castle. The menu centered around small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, some sweets, and, of course, tea. That summer practice became so popular; the Duchess continued it when she returned to London, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for "tea and a walk in the fields." The practice of inviting friends for tea in the afternoon was quickly picked up.
Traditions of tea drinking in England
The British drink tea 6 times a day.
"Early morning cup" - An early cup of tea before washing and dressing. Because of the wet climate, England is famous for its morning fog. The British wake up early. They need a cup of strong tea to wake up.
For breakfast English people have another cup of tea.
Lunch. This tradition appeared during the reign of Queen Victoria as a small meal with a cup of tea.
5 o’clock tea. Traditional snacks for tea are warmed sandwiches and toasts.
Tea at 7-8p.m. is called High Tea
The last  cup of tea  is before sleeping.
And of course they can have some tea breaks during the day.
The Traditional Way of Making English Tea
1. Boil some fresh water into the teapot.
2. Put some hot water into the teapot to make it warm.
3. Pour the water away.
4. Put one tea spoon of tea-leaves per person, and one extra tea-spoon into the pot.
5. Pour boiling water into the tea.
6. Leave for a few minutes.
7. Serve.
The Do’s And Don’ts of 5 o’clock Tea:
+ Try a little of each food served at the tea.
+ Spread a scone with cream first, then jam.
+ Wait until you have swallowed your food before you take a sip of tea.
+ Look into your teacup when sipping. It’s polite!
+ Place your napkin on the chair if you must leave the table during the event. If you must leave for some important reason, simply say "Excuse me."
– Avoid talking with your mouth full.     
– Don’t place phones on the table.
–Don’t use milk and lemon together.
– Don’t place lemon in the cup before tea. The tea is always poured first.
– Don’t leave your spoon in the cup. Place it on your saucer instead.
     – Don’t remove food from your teeth.
– Don’t move your plate to the edge of the table when you’re done eating.
– Don’t talk about personal food likes or dislikes during the tea.
– Don’t place your napkin on the table until you are ready to leave the table.
– Don’t smoke, the smoke will be absorbed into the tea and ruin the taste.
Britain should thank their women for their status of famous tea lovers. The first was Catherine of Braganza. She made tea to be the Drink of the Queen. Queen Anne chose tea over ale as her regular breakfast drink. And at last Anna Maria Stanhope, the Duchess of Bedford, is known as the creator of afternoon teatime.

(A dance to the song “Tea for Two” )
Compere II: As you can see, Britain is full of customs and traditions. A lot of them have very long histories. Some are funny and some are strange. But they are all very interesting.
Compere I: They are all part of the British way of life. We sincerely hope that you liked our project presentations about British customs. Celebrate your life!
(The final song “Celebrate your life”)

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