суббота, 29 августа 2015 г.

План-конспект уроку з літератури Великої Британії у 10 класі

Вчитель Родіонова З.О.

Тема уроку                  
 Чарльз Дикенз. Сторинки біографії та літературної діяльності.

Цілі уроку:
Практична: •      вчити учнів одержувати основну інформацію з прочитаного та прослуханого тексту; вчити учнів розповідати про Чарльза Дикенза  на основі прочитаного  та  прослуханого тексту;

Розвивальна       розвивати інтелектуальну гнучкість учнів,     розвивати здібності учнів до логічного викладу змісту висловлювання;

Освітня               поглибити знання учнів про літературну спадщину Чарльза Дикенза;

Виховна               виховувати потребу в залученні до світової культури та  пам'яток  літератури.

Обладнення уроку: роздатковий матеріал у вигляді карток; відео запис для аудіювання, табло з полем для гри-вікторини.




I.The beginning of the lesson:
1)      Greetings;
T. Good morning, pupils. Hope you are fine today and ready for work. The theme of our lesson is the Biography and literary works of Charles Dickens.
And our task is to work together prolifically and successfully to learn as much information concerning Charles Dickens as we can: Charles Dickens’s private life and  his literary career.

2)      Warm-up (Speaking);
T. You can see one of his quotes which is a reality nowadays for many people especially young.
The important thing in life is to stop saying ‘I wish’  and start saying ‘I will’.”
-           Express your attitude to this quotation. What do you say more often? Why? What is more difficult? Why?
-               P.s:..
T. When you hear the name Charles Dickens what images ideas come to your mind?
P.:The students create a mind map.
Victorian realism, Scroodge, Dombey and son, poor, rich, social novel, Christmas Carol

Presenting the theme of the lesson

 individual        work

4 min.

II Reading  (reading silently, while-reading activity – writing out).  
Around the room – you can see many extracts from old newspapers of Charles Dickens’s time, there are also many photos of Charles Dickens and his characters. All this material is full of information about the life and the novel ‘Dombey and Son’. I tried to create a museum-library atmosphere at our lesson. And now I would ask you to work like scientists from Ukraine who are studying the biography of Charles Dickens  in different libraries of the UK. There are three points on which you have to speak later, so two people  from each group are to speak on one point.
Before you start your researches you will unite into  two teams- two scientific groups.
Your task is the following: each member of your group has to read one newspaper and gather as much information from this newspaper about Charles Dickens  as possible. You can write out some useful information and use it in your presentation later.

individual work
 - Extracts from newspapers hung on the walls
Worksheet  1

5 min.

a)   Practicing:(post-reading activity – Discussion).
T. Your task now is to share with your group the information you’ve read. You are to discuss it among the members of your group. During your discussion you have to divide the whole information you read into the following points:
1) Short presentation of your group.
 Charles Dickens’s childhood and early years;
2) Literary career, works.
3)’Dombey and Son’ the main ideas and the writer’s achievements.
Choose between yourselves who will speak later on these points. Two people from each group have to speak on one point. So, three points and six people all in all  will give us the complete presentation of Charles Dickens ’s life and career.
So, start your discussion, please.

 group work

6 min.

b)   Practicing:(Post-Reading activity – Speaking)
T. You are going to present the result of your researches at “Charles Dickens ’s seminar”. Let’s start then. Time available for the presentation of each point is 1 minute. Don’t forget to use the photos of Charles Dickens  and photos of the front pages of Charles Dickens ’s books.
Let’s revise The program of the seminar:
1) Short presentation of your group.
 Charles Dickens’s childhood and early years;
2) Literary career, works.
3)’Dombey and Son’ the main ideas and the writer’s achievements.
pair work

4 min.
III Listening
T. Charles Dickens made his contribution into the development of the English language and there are numerous idioms and collocations which remind us of this great writer. You are going to get aquainted with some of them
a)Pre listening activity
Text arranging.                                                                                                         
T. I am going to hand you out the cards with the sentences which are mixed. You are to work in pairs, and your task is to arrange these sentences in right order to build the text. You have 3 minutes.
pair  work
cards with separate sentences from the text which are in random order
Worksheet  2
10 min.
b) while-listening activity
Video watching/Self-checking the previous task.( Video)
T. Now, let’s check whether you were right. This was the script from the following video. So, watch the video attentively. It is the presentation made by Dickens in London of today.
c)post listening activity
T.Rearange the pairs discuss and  be ready to give examples of the situations illustrating these expressions
Ss ‘ presentations of the situations

pair  work
Video watching
6 min.
IV.Follow up: Checking comprehension of  Charles Dickens’s
biography and literary career (True/False Statements)

T. Decide whether the following statements about Charles Dickens  are (T) true or (F) false and correct it.
  • Charles Dickens was born in London, the capital of the UK.(F)
  • He started work in a lawer’s office.(F)
  • He was thown in the debtors’ prison.(F)
  • He educated himself mainly by reading books.(T)
  • It was the novel"Dombey and Son" that brought him fame”.(F)
  • Dickens wrote about money and its terrible and destructive force over men’s souls (Oliver Twist).(F)
  • David Copperfield   one of the most lyrical works of the great novelist was to some extent autobiographical.(F)
  • The novel ‘Dombey and Son’ sounds at times as the story of the two children.(T)
  • The novel ‘Dombey and Son’ sounds at times as the story of a money-making firm owner.(F)
 individual work

Worksheet  3

3 min.
V. Summing up Game
T.I propose you to take part in a quiz game You are to choose the catagary and the cost of it. If you answer correctly you gain your points. And then you’ll count your points and  the winner  will get an excellent mark for the lesson.
whole-class activity
Game field.
Worksheet  4
1 min.
VI.Marks for the lesson.
T. You’ve done a great work today. Your marks for the lesson are:..

VII.Home task.
T. Your hometask for the next time is: to read the information about Charles Dickens. You must be ready to speak about Charles Dickens and his literary works.
home task
Worksheet  1,2

Worksheet  1
Charles Dickens was born in Landspart, a small town near the sea   in a middle class family.   His father usually spent more than he earned. He was thrown in the debtors' prison when Charles was only ten. At that age the boy went to work at a factory.  Later the boy went to school for three years and after that from the age of: 15 he went to work in a lawyer’s office.  He continued to educate himself mainly by reading books. At the age of 18 he became a reporter in Parliament.
In 1833 he began to write his first short stories about London life. In 1836 those stories were published as a book, under the title of "Sketches by Boz”. .  Boz was the pen-name with which he signed his first work.  In 1837 Dickens became well - known to the English reader   It was the "Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" that brought him fame”.
Dickens travelled a lot.  At the same time he continued to write.   Dickens literary heritage is of world importance.  He developed the English social novel. He created a wide gallery of pictures of the bourgeois society.  He wrote of the workhouses of England and the tragedy of the children who lived there (0liver Twist); he wrote about the problems of education and showed how it crippled children( Nicholas Nickleby).
Dickens wrote about money and its terrible and destructive force over men’s souls (Dombey and Son).   David Copperfield   one of the most lyrical works of the great novelist; was to some extent autobiographical;  it reflected a young man’s life that society. Dickens criticized the negative sides of that society children‘s labour, the system of education. Such problems as marriage and love in the  world  of his time were also taken up, in this novel.
In "Hard Times" he wrote of the class struggle between the capitalist and the proletariat. "Great Expectations» and "Mutual Friend» reflected an entirely new feeling of the writer that of the loss of illusions.  Among his works there are two historical novels.
This novel was written in 1848. It is the story of a city businessman, whose only interest in life is his firm. Dombey  is busy with money – making  and  all that surrounds him is of little or no importance.  The firm which is his life is called” Dombey and Son” He has a daughter Florence, whom he doesn’t love although the Iittle  girl  loves  him dearly.  When at last a son is born, it is he who becomes the centre of Dombey:'s  life and interests. He sees in little Paul only a means to continue his money-making business. He doesn't notice that the little boy sickens at school- The little boy can’t get accustomed to school life. Little Paul feels that he will die like his mother died when he was born. He can’t understand why the money couldn’t save his mother and can’t make him strong and healthy.
The death of little Paul is the beginning of Dombey’s misfortunes. His second wife Edith hates him and leaves him. His secretary runs away with his money and ruins him.0nly Florence’s love for him remains unchanged.
Dickens managed to disclose the ugliness of relations based on money in a work of art. Dombey was shown as a cold and tragic figure, a product of the money-making environment. Opposed to him are his two children. Dickens made them loving creatures who despised money. That is why the novel sounds at times as the story of the two children, rather than that of their money-making father.

Worksheet  2
Video Script

London… as much mud in the streets as if water has  newly retired from the face of the earth , smoke lowering down  from chimney pots, dogs,  horses undistinguished in the darkness, fog everywhere.
 Hi all! It’s not like that at all anymore. There is no fog, there is no mud, there are no  dogs or horses. In fact it’s not Dickensian. In English if we want to describe hard living or working conditions   like something from one of my novels we can call it Dickensian.
Dickensian – describes hard living and working conditions, as often found in Dickens’s novels.
Modern London is very tiring. I think I need to take some rest at one of my favourite public houses. I’m pleased to see it still here.
I can’t believe it. He tried to charge me three pounds fifty for a pint of beer. I told him it’s 10 weeks’ wages for a 12-year-old boy at a factory. I offered him half a penny. And he said: ’Please sir, I want to have some more’ As if stealing one of my lines wasn’t bad enough. When I refused to pay he called me a Scrooge.
 In English when we want to talk about someone who hates spending money we can call him a scrooge which is the name of one of my characters, he was very mean with money.
A scrooge is a person who hates spending money.
Scrooge was just one of many characters I created, one of the most memorable in English Literature.
Some say London itself is a character, a character that has changed.
What the dickens is that?
In English if you are surprised or angry you can say: ’What the dickens?’
What the dickens…? – An old-fashioned expression of surprise or anger.
But I am an old-fashioned man, in fact I am dead and I have been dead since 1870. I am buried over there in the Poets’ corner of Westminster Abbey with some of the greatest writers   of the English language so in a way I am still here in London although it’s a very different London from my memories. And I will be buried in teachers’ corner along with the greatest teachers of the English language

Worksheet  3

  • Charles Dickens was born in London, the capital of the UK.
  • He started work in a lawer’s office.
  • He was thown in the debtors’ prison.
  • He educated himself mainly by reading books.
  • It was the novel"Dombey and Son" that brought him fame”.
  • Dickens wrote about money and its terrible and destructiveforce over men’s souls (Oliver Twist).  
  • David Copperfield   one of the most lyrical works of the great novelist; was to some extent autobiographical;
  • The novel ‘Dombey and Son’ sounds at times as the story of the two children.
  • The novel ‘Dombey and Son’ sounds at times as the story of a money-making firm owner.
  • Dickens lived long ago  and the language of Dickens is not used any more

Worksheet  4

Guiz game Game field.

Landpart          (10 points) - the birthplace of Charles Dickens, a small town near the sea.
Parliament       (20 points) – the place where young Dickens worked as a reporter.
Workhouses    (30 points) – places wherehomeless children worked and lived.

Boz                 (10 points)   – was Dickens’s  pen-name for his first work.
Oliver Twist   (20 points)  –the hero of his autobiographical novel about the workhouses in England.
Florence          (30 points) – Dombey’s daughter whose love remained unchanged.

Lexical Units:

Dickensian      (10 points) - describes hard living and working conditions, as often found in Dickens’s novels.
A scrooge        (20 points)  is a person who hates spending money.

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